Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Arians Tried to take His Church by Force and Impose Heretical Liturgy

Editor’s note: as a follow up to “It’s Time to Occupy the Churches” and “Catholic Fathers: a Call to Arms,” we present this excerpt from R. Thornton, St. Ambrose: His Life, Times, and Teachings (1897), (public domain). Right now we are attacked by Marxist governments from without the Church and heretics from within. Yet Christ […]

Hundreds Flock to Bishop’s Latin Mass

For the fifth year in a row, Catholic tradition made a quiet but profound appearance in an unsuspecting setting: before dawn, early on a Saturday morning on the campus of a public university. However, for the first year, it was led by a successor of the apostles. As was previously posted here on OnePeterFive, before […]

Light from Light: the Eternal Word Made Speechless Flesh

These are busy days so let’s plunge right in. Here are a few fast points to enrich your participation at Holy Mass for Christmas and for the Sunday in the Christmas Octave, back to back this year, in the Vetus Ordo, the Traditional Roman Mass, the Mass of our forebears which gave shape to all […]

Forgotten Customs of Christmas Time

Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad before the face of the Lord: because He cometh (Psalm 95:13,11 Taken from the Offertory Verse of the First Mass of Christmas) At the first stroke of midnight on December 25th, the Church in her Sacred liturgy bursts forth in joyous celebration for the birth […]