What is Causing Our Fertility Crisis? Catholic Experts Weigh In

Glenn|Wikimedia Fertility rose at the end of the Depression and the end of World War II with the baby boom, to more than 3.5 births for every woman by 1960 — then plummeted immediately thereafter. Apart from a few small short-term bumps, the country’s fertility rate has never recovered from the post-1960 downward trajectory.

Wildcat: Flannery for Rookies

I appreciate that cigar culture has finer points, but the smell of cigars still makes me queasy. Likewise, Flannery O’Connor. She is an acquired taste, and this review of Wildcat, the new biodrama of O’Connor, is written from the perspective of one who has not thoroughly acquired it. I daresay I’m not alone on the […]

Big Families, Wide Sidewalks, and Frogs

A baby was born to my daughter Gigi’s teacher in our parish Montessori school. The baby lived in the classroom for a few years. I don’t think that baby’s feet touched the ground for two full years. They kept a closely guarded list of the girls who got to carry her next. In this part […]

Nagasaki’s Continuous Martyrdom: From the Hidden Church to the Atomic Bomb

Christian Ender 26 Martyrs Museum in Nagasaki, Japan. The towers represent the communication between God and people. The left one symbolizes the prayer of men, the one on the right, the falling grace from heaven, with the red color symbolizing the Holy Spirit. The museum was built 1962 to commemorate the 26 Christians who got […]

New Hartford archbishop pledges bringing back Catholic schools to Connecticut capital

NEW YORK – In his first formal address to the faithful as leader of the Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut, Archbishop Christopher Coyne announced a lofty goal of not only bringing Catholic schools back to the state’s capital city, but making them tuition free. “It is a glaring omission that for quite some time the promise […]