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Catholic Converts Rejoice After Entering the Church on Easter Vigil: Their Beautiful Testimonies

Easter is a joyful time of celebration and gratitude for the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection.

As we recall Christ’s sacrifice of death and the joy of His resurrection, countless new Catholics rejoice after entering the Church on Easter Vigil.

Many new Catholics shared their experience and joy of entering the Church. Below are some of their testimonies or photos they shared on social media.

World-renowned psychologist Jordan Peterson’s wife Tammy became Catholic on Easter Vigil. Several photos surfaced of the event. EWTN News In Depth will have the full story in the coming days.

Here is the moment Tammy Peterson officially entered the Catholic Church during the Easter vigil Mass last night. Her husband Jordan Peterson sat by her side for the two-hour vigil in Toronto’s Holy Rosary Church. After, Jordan asked her if she felt like she had come home to…

— Colm Flynn (@colmflynnire) March 31, 2024

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

EWTN reporter Colm Flynn published photos of the event. He said he “was lucky to be there to document the beautiful moment for EWTN News In Depth, Jordan Peterson, [and] Tammy Peterson.”

“Here is the moment Tammy Peterson officially entered the Catholic Church during the Easter vigil Mass last night,” Flynn wrote in a March 31 post on X (Formerly Twitter). “Her husband Jordan Peterson sat by her side for the two-hour vigil in Toronto’s Holy Rosary Church. After, Jordan asked her if she felt like she had come home to which she replied, ‘Yes.'”

Several other X (Formerly Twitter) users shared their testimonies.

X (Formerly Twitter) user Miss B Converted shared a video of her experience.

The user, who abandoned her life as a p**n actress and producer, said she is “so thrilled and filled with awe” after joining the Catholic Church this Easter.

I’m Catholic! It’s really sinking in now after taking the blessed Lord inside me for the 2nd time in less than a day. I am so thrilled & filled with awe.

Oh my Jesus, thank you for seeking me & calling me home. Thank you for your passion, death & resurrection! You are my God!

— Miss B Converted (@TheMistressB) March 31, 2024

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

“I’m Catholic! It’s really sinking in now after taking the blessed Lord inside me for the [second] time in less than a day. I am so thrilled and filled with awe,” she wrote, alongside a video of herself receiving Holy Communion.

“Oh my Jesus, thank you for seeking me and calling me home. Thank you for your passion, death, and resurrection! You are my God!”

“The immense joy seen in this 2-second clip turned into exultant tears moments later,” she explained of her video. “I wept so much that I left a puddle on the kneeler at my pew. I will never, ever be the same again. Jesus was with me!”

Hungarian Ambassador to the Holy See Eduard Habsburg reposted Miss B’s testimony. He said it “wins the yearly ‘I’m Catholic since Saturday Vigil’ contest.”

This year, @TheMistressB wins the yearly “I’m Catholic since Saturday Vigil” contest😁😁! Thank you for your joyous sharing of your conversation story, and I will pray for you!
Also, is there something more wonderful than these dozens, hundreds, thousands conversion stories?

— Eduard Habsburg (@EduardHabsburg) March 31, 2024

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

“Thank you for your joyous sharing of your conversation story, and I will pray for you!” the ambassador wrote. “Also, is there something more wonderful than these dozens, hundreds, thousands of conversion stories?”

Christian Post reporter Samantha Kamman also converted to the Catholic Church this Easter and published her testimony on X.

Last night, I officially became part of the Catholic Church and received communion. It has been a long journey, filled with intense study and contemplation, but I’m finally home.

— Samantha Kamman (@Samantha_Kamman) March 31, 2024

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

“Last night, I officially became part of the Catholic Church and received communion,” Kamman wrote alongside several pictures and a video. “It has been a long journey, filled with intense study and contemplation, but I’m finally home.”

“I want to express my gratitude to all who have supported me after I made the decision to re-enter the Church,” Kamman continued in a second post. “Your prayers have helped me more than you know.

“Praise God! I’m looking forward to growing in my faith as I continue to serve the Lord as a Catholic.”

National Review reporter and former agnostic James Lynch also entered the Catholic Church this Easter.

Oh look, it’s me and @mikeginsberg98 yesterday night!

I’ve come home to the Catholic Church after a long process of struggle and discernment. Alleluia!

Funny enough, @Sachinettiyil shared this pic unprompted and a church friend saw it. So he was kind enough to repost it.

— James Lynch (@jameslynch32) March 31, 2024

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

“I’ve come home to the Catholic Church after a long process of struggle and discernment. Alleluia!” Lynch wrote.

Quoting scripture, Twitter user David Brady Jr. also shared a photo of his entry into the Catholic Church.

“’Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life,'” Brady wrote, quoting Romans 6:4. “I’m officially a Catholic now.”

“Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:4)

I’m officially a Catholic now

— David Brady Jr. 📿 (@realDavidBJr) March 31, 2024

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

Let us pray for all new Catholics in their journey of faith! Happy Easter! ✝️