Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Catholics vs. Satanists

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Devil worshippers gathered in Arizona for a weekend-long event to worship their false, satanic god and spread their evil doctrine. But as Church Militant’s James Fedewa tells us, the satanic soiree did not go unchallenged. 

Don Nohs, president, Society of the Holy Face of Jesus: “I am here to bring Jesus. I came from New York to Arizona. I will go anywhere, anytime, any place that Jesus wants to be — where we can make reparation for something like this that’s going on inside.”

Beginning Friday, hundreds of faithful Catholics prayed outside SatanCon, a satanist convention held at the Saguaro Hotel in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Hosted by the Satanic Temple, SatanCon offered a variety of events such as an impurity ball and satanic Jeopardy

Lucien Greaves, cofounder of the demonic institution, made a celebrity appearance. But even Greaves’ armed security couldn’t stop the Catholics’ prayers.

Jesse Romero — Catholic theologian, talk show host, former police officer and champion of Catholicism — led the opposition.

Jesse Romero, Virgin Most Powerful Radio: 

The reason the Catholic Church exists is for the salvation of souls, and that’s why we’re here ultimately, at the end of the day. We want everybody to get to Heaven — even those two guys to my right who are satanists, who just drifted over here. We want them to know Jesus and to know the fullness of truth — and to get to Heaven.

Several Catholic groups — such as the Lepanto Institute; the Society of the Holy Face of Jesus; Tradition, Family and Property and Church Militant’s Resistance — locked arms with Romero.

Roy Bowen, captain of Phoenix Resistance: “We’re here today to pray against SatanCon … to block their curses and hexes, in reparation for their sins, our sins and the sins of the world.”

With demonic influence manifesting throughout the world, Catholics have begun realizing the importance of battle.

The second day of the prayer rally welcomed over 350 Catholics.

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