Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Champion of Sodomy


A documentary released last week is featuring Jesuit sodomy apologist, Fr. James Martin. It reveals how he’s encouraging people to disregard Catholic Church teaching.

Church Militant’s Aidan O’Connor, reviews the film, which shows Church Militant resisting Martin’s subversion of the Faith.

The documentary, Building a Bridge, hails Martin as the Church’s advocate for so-called LGBT rights. But it relies heavily on interviews with Church Militant’s Michael Voris and his defense of Church teaching. It even runs footage from Church Militant’s 2018 live show Catholic and Gay? which deconstructs Martin’s pro-sodomy agenda.

Nearly 15 minutes of the 90-minute documentary feature Voris and Church Militant workers reaffirming the Church’s moral teaching. The film follows Martin at various talks and promoting his book, also named Building a Bridge. It further shows families with young people who have same-sex attraction seeking guidance from Martin.

While doing little to actually help them, Martin instead claims the Church, in Her doctrine, has harmed them. But like in his book, Martin does not openly oppose Church teaching in plain language. He also uses others to say out loud what he won’t.

Father Bryan Massingale, a fellow sodomy activist and self-described gay priest, admits Martin does not explicitly discuss Church teaching.

Fr. Bryan Massingale:

Jim doesn’t want to enter into that because he’s not a theologian. I am a theologian, and so I will go on record and say that very teaching — that some forms of sexuality are objectively disordered — that only needs to be revisited. It needs to be dropped from official Catholic teaching.

Sodomy activist Jason Steidl, described in the film as a Catholic theologian, opined: “People want us to believe that the Church is sort of the static entity in history, with solemn truth delivered from God that’s passed on from generation to generation through the bishops. And, of course, this perspective is a bunch of malarkey.”

Martin and clerical sodomy activists like him claim natural law and the Church are the problem, rather than sin and fallen human nature.

The film credits legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese as executive producer. It’s scheduled to play next month at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York.