Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

CM Resistance vs. the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

Last Friday, thousands of Catholics from across the country participated in a prayerful procession against the Los Angeles Dodgers honoring the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

The ‘sisters’ are men masquerading as Catholic nuns

The ‘sisters’ are men masquerading as nuns and committing acts of blasphemy, such as wearing skimpy clothing while mimicking Christ’s crucifixion and poll-dancing on a cross.

Resistance members made their presence known at Friday’s prayer procession by carrying a Church Militant flag — used at all chapter events — as they made their way to the stadium’s entrance gate. Due to the number of Catholics blocking the entrance, the gate was ultimately closed and many cars turned around to leave.

The Dodgers honored the team with an award presentation one hour prior to the game, with several boos echoing throughout a mostly empty stadium.   

Prior to the event, counterprotesters were a concern, but a significant police presence deterred them.

Well-Organized Pushback

Kevin Alcaino, a member of the Orange Resistance who organized carpooling for his fellow members, said of the dearth of counterprotesters:

I would have to presume the Holy Spirit worked to protect us on Friday, as the numbers on the side of the opposition were incredibly sparse. Perhaps the opposition assumed the turnout would be small or that our cause was too weak, so they didn’t bother with us. Hopefully, that could be a miscalculation by the prince of darkness that will slowly turn the tide as more Catholics wake up.

The captain of the Los Angeles Chapter, Steve Saletros, played a vital role in organization and logistics.

We are on Mission, as part of a united team, leading the way to reverse this evil.

“The entire Christian world has been mocked, blasphemed and assaulted by the Satanic forces of Sin. Church Militant Resistance was involved in the very beginning of the Dodger Stadium Prayer Rally Procession response, and we are on Mission, as part of a united team, leading the way to reverse this evil that has infiltrated the culture,” Saletros cheered.


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The Vortex: An Informative History of Tawdry Drag Queen ‘Nuns’

As a retired LAPD officer, Saletros’ knowledge of the Los Angeles area and local regulations proved valuable to other event organizers. Saletros worked closely with Catholic commentators Jesse and Johnny Romero — the former of whom previously worked in law enforcement — to ensure that all necessary permits were obtained for the event, that the LAPD was on board with the event’s plans, and that the appropriate safety protocols were in place to protect event attendees.

A massive turnout of thousands got the ball rolling

In addition to assisting with logistics, members of Resistance helped disseminate word of the event throughout southern California. With over 4 million Catholics in the archdiocese of Los Angeles, there is no shortage of potential participants. In the weeks preceding the event, Resistance members traveled from parish to parish, announcing the procession to pastors and parishioners.

Although it may not seem like much at first, the impact of having people on the ground to assist with advertising cannot be overstated. Large-scale events like this are successful because ordinary Catholics sacrifice their time, talents and energy.

Continue the Momentum

The pushback does not end here, however. You can express your disapproval of this blasphemous calamity by contacting Third District Supervisor of Los Angeles, Lindsey Horvath — a self-proclaimed devout Catholic — Abp. José Gomez, and Mayor Sepi Shyne.

Congratulations to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence on your honor tonight at Dodger’s Pride Night.

Your commitment to service and our Catholic values inspires me ����

Now, let’s go Dodgers!

— Lindsey P. Horvath (@LindseyPHorvath) June 17, 2023

Lindsey Horvath
(213) 974-3333

Abp. José Gomez
(213) 637-7000

Mayor Sepi Shyne
(323) 848-6460             

Church Militant Resistance is a grassroots movement that helps Catholics connect, develop and take action. Our goal is to resist and reverse the evil that has infiltrated our Church and culture.

If you like our work, you can support us by clicking HERE to donate.

— Campaign 31877 —