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COVID Curtain Falling

While the Canadian government’s COVID overreach continues to suffocate businesses and families, Canadians are fed up with tyrannical health mandates and perpetual lockdowns.

Church Militant’s Aidan O’Connor takes a look at Canada’s fight for freedom — a fight that has ignited a movement across the planet. Canada’s tyrannical COVID mandates are beginning to crumble. At midnight last night, Alberta’s sham-Catholic premier Jason Kenney dropped jab-passport and segregation measures in his province. 

Jason Kenney, premier of Alberta: “Restriction mandates and those [sic] kind of interventions will not and must not become a permanent feature of our lives.” 

Kenney claimed his decision was not motivated by the growing protest gridlocking the Alberta–Montana border. 

Kenney: “None of that has to do anything with a few trucks parked at the Coutts border crossing.”

This protest of more than a few trucks is happening alongside the massive Freedom Convoy parked in Ottawa — Canada’s capital. While politicians like fake-Catholic prime minister Justin Trudeau are attacking the peaceful protestors, “Taking Back Our Freedoms” is serving as a driving force behind the freedom campaigns.

The organization’s president and cofounder, George Bears, spoke with Church Militant. 

George Bears, president, Taking Back Our Freedoms: “Our exclusive push now in all provinces in Canada is to end the mandates now — all mandates.” 

Bears and his associates are committed to ending COVID tyranny.

Bears: “We see ourselves as advocates encouraging the citizenry to stand up against the corruption and the genocide that has happened. Lives have been lost and legal proceedings need to begin.”

Canadians want their freedom, and the end of mandates in Alberta could be a sign of shifting political winds. 

Saskatchewan will soon be the second province to lift its mandates, following a new order going into effect on Feb. 14.


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