Reflections on life, meaning and purpose



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Around three years have passed since the initial COVID outbreak, and political narratives are still shaping the medical field.

Aidan O’Connor takes a closer look at medical professionals fighting for truth and accountability in medicine.

A medical professional whistleblower is traveling the country and sharing her experience of medical tyranny and deception.

In 2021, physician’s assistant Deborah Conrad was labeled an anti-vaxxer and fired from her job for attempting to report the harmful effects of the COVID-19 gene therapy shot.

Early that year, Conrad was noticing adverse effects in patients after the jab rollout. She revealed, “After the vaccines came out, there was this uptick in unusual symptoms, some of which I had never seen in my 20-year career. … In every case, it was in somebody who had received the COVID-19 vaccine.”

Conrad confessed she had never admitted a patient with respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, until after the COVID shots were released. She also saw an unprecedented spike of myocarditis in jabbed adolescents.

Conrad painstakingly entered these cases into the government-provided Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, and soon proposed to her supervisors that they develop a reporting system of their own.

She was repeatedly dismissed by her superiors and eventually lost her job after giving an interview on the organized medical deception and cover-up.

Most recently, Conrad joined a group of medical professionals and jab victims in Mississippi who held a conference urging state officials to ban the experimental jabs.

Catholic Emergency Physician and former full-time faculty member at Stanford Dr. Scott French spoke to Church Militant about the current state of the medical system.

Scott French, MD, emergency physician: “We’ve lost truth, and there is truth. Truth is binary. So, for example, this treatment either works, or it doesn’t work, or it works 20% of the time. … The other thing that’s happened in medicine is that we’ve made it political, where it shouldn’t be political at all.”

Doctor French noted that the scientific model is founded upon the natural laws of God’s created order.

French: “Science and faith are not only compatible, they’re synergistic. We live in a rational world. In other words, there are natural laws that can’t be violated.” 

French warned that the COVID lies are part of a spiritual war against truth. As long as there are professionals like Conrad and Dr. French who will resist the lies and hold to their Hippocratic Oath to “do no harm,” there is hope for the medical world.

According to the National Vaccine Injury Act passed by Congress in 1986, health care workers are federally required to report vaccine-related injuries.

— Campaign 32075 —