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Thursday, this week, will mark one year since the nation’s Capitol was stormed by citizens pushed over the edge by blatant election fraud in 2020. What was advertised as a rally to demonstrate overwhelming support for Trump, was hijacked for political gain.
In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Trey Blanton dives into how Democrats look to weaponize the riot for political gain in the midterms.
Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House of Representatives: “I don’t think that — whatever preparation anybody would have made — that anybody could predict that the president of the United States [Trump] would incite an insurrection, and a violent one.”
House Democrats and their establishment Republican allies keep pushing the false narrative Trump actively instigated the riot at the Capitol building. Both Donald Trump and Democrats will host events on the anniversary of the Jan. 6 riot this Thursday.
Wyoming’s RINO (Republican In Name Only) senator, Liz Cheney, predicts, “Former-president Trump is likely, again this week, to make the same false claims about the election that he knows to be false, and the same false claims about the election that he knows caused violence.”
While committees in states like Arizona continue to uncover more and more cases of fraud in the 2020 election, House Democrats and never-Trumpers continue to fish for any bit of evidence they can twist to support the dubious claim Trump orchestrated the riot to steal the election.
Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill.: “What is the Jan. 6 commission’s response to the suffering of the American people under Biden’s policies? A never-ending political witch hunt against President Trump.”
Representative Miller asserts the Jan. 6 committee is using its position to divert attention away from Biden’s abysmal handling of the economy, which has resulted in sky-high inflation.
Democrat strategists are also debating how to use Jan. 6 on the campaign trail for their benefit in the midterms. Meanwhile, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is focused on the inhumane conditions in which the D.C. police are keeping the detainees.
Greene reveals, “The Jan. 6 defendants are being treated differently on a whole different level. They have been beaten by the guards; they are called White supremacists; they are denied religious service.”
Democrat senator Joe Manchin is drafting a bill to provide a compromise on election reform after his peers used Jan. 6 and state election-reform laws as the basis to seize control of the election process. Democrats have falsely claimed Republican efforts to prevent fraud are actually voter suppression, even though similar laws are already enacted in blue states.
Margaret Brennan, Face the Nation hostess (questioning Kamala Harris): “What do you see as the biggest national security challenge confronting the U.S.? What is the thing that will raise you and keep you up at night?”
Vice President Kamala Harris: “Frankly, one of them is our democracy.”
The D.C. swamp hates that Trump was elected because he exposed the rot that had made life worse for everyday Americans. Democrats and the media have called Jan. 6 an “armed insurrection.” At this time, out of hundreds of charges, the majority have actually been misdemeanors like trespassing, and not the crime of insurrection.