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Democrats Crying ‘Foul’

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Democrats, facing the very real possibility of losing the House and Senate in this year’s midterm elections, are panicking. Church Militant’s Hunter Bradford explains how Democrats are trying to spin the oncoming red wave.

Vice President Kamala Harris: “Across our nation, anti-voter laws could make it more difficult for as many as 55
million Americans to vote.”

Democrats claim Republicans are preparing to steal the midterm elections by voter suppression. Even leftist media are saying Republicans may well take back both the House and Senate because, as several recent polls show, potential voters are more likely to vote red than blue in November.

Another reason is that 28 Democrats in the House are either retiring or not seeking reelection. Republicans need to pick up only five House seats and one Senate seat to win back both chambers.

But Democrats are pushing the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which would effectively abolish voter ID, prevent states and locales from setting limits on absentee ballots and allow ballot harvesting. 

Not all Democrats back these measures. On Tuesday, West Virginia senator Joe Manchin dissented from the party line, saying current laws are good enough.

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va.: “The law’s there. The rules are there. And, basically, the government. The government will stand behind them and make sure they have the right to vote. We have that.”

Americans’ trust in the honesty of U.S. elections has tanked since the 2020 elections, and it’s not yet known how many voters will show up to vote on Nov. 8.

Democrats are following Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals by accusing Republicans of trying to steal the midterms while Democrats pass laws to codify the voting loopholes that helped them steal the 2020 election.

— Campaign 32075 —