Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Democrats Love Their Marxists in Miters

DETROIT ( – The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is proving it is not immune to the Marxist thought infiltration that has taken hold of, or at least greatly influenced, most modern U.S. institutions.

Church Militant is producing ample content in the near future to identify the evil ideologies spread through the hierarchy, which was the focus of The Vortex‘s “Something Special for the Fourth of July.”

Originally streamed as part of Membership Monday, Church Militant CEO Michael Voris proclaimed, “It seems that the powers that be are going after faithful Catholics who are also political conservatives.”

Orthodox Bishop Targeted

Voris used the recent Vatican investigation of Bp. Joseph Strickland as a prime example of the unfair treatment that orthodox and outspoken clergy receive from the hierarchy.

“At least one of those bishops [investigating Bp. Strickland] was notorious. That man should be behind bars. He shouldn’t be investigating other bishops,” bemoaned Voris.

Bp. Gerald Frederick Kicanas and Bp. Dennis Joseph Sullivan

The two bishops appointed to visit Strickland’s Tyler diocese were retired Bp. Gerald Frederick Kicanas and Camden, New Jersey’s, Bp. Dennis Joseph Sullivan. 

During the time in seminary, Kicanas, the former bishop of Tucson, Arizona, actively concealed abuse committed by the now-defrocked Daniel McCormack.

“During McCormack’s time in the seminary, there were several indicators of his proclivity to abuse,” an anonymous priest familiar with the situation emphatically informed Church Militant in 2021. “Reports were filed with then-father Gerald Kicanas, rector at Mundelein Seminary, by seminarians for his homosexual predation. They were ignored.”

The hierarchy also maintains significant ties to and reliance on the American Democratic Party.

According to the Church Militant report:

These indicators of homosexual predation include accusations that McCormack, as a seminarian in the 1990s for the archdiocese of Chicago, had made sexual advances on at least one male minor and had engaged in oral sex with other seminarians. The homosexual seminarian had reportedly admitted to then-rector of Mundelein Seminary, Gerald Kicanas, now the bishop of Tucson, Arizona, and to then-vice rector, Msgr. John Canary, that he had in fact engaged in various homosexual acts as a seminarian.

The Church Militant report noted that Chicago’s notorious archbishop, the late Cdl. Joseph Bernardin, himself steeped in accusations of grave misdeeds, nevertheless ordained McCormack to the priesthood in 1994.

In Lockstep With Democrats

In addition to covering up homosexual sex abuse, the hierarchy also maintains significant ties to and reliance on the American Democratic Party.

In a recent Vortex, “The Old Liberal Bishops’ Scary ‘America Last’ Agenda,” Voris outlined how the bishops, alongside the Democratic National Committee (DNC), have contributed to the destruction of America.

Aside from their utter and devastating silence on the destruction of the family caused by divorce and remarriage, abortion and contraception (again, all Democratic Party highlights), they have also promoted other major Marxist agenda items like abolishing the Second Amendment, destroying the nation’s borders, pushing the phony narrative of man-made climate change and going along with the attack on freedom of religious speech. Might as well throw in the lockstep approach to the COVID lockdowns for good measure, not to mention refusing to even consider the questions surrounding the results of the 2020 vote.

For the bishops, it is in their best interest to silence figures like Strickland, as nearly half of the USCCB’s annual budget derives from the federal government through various means.


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The Vortex: The Vatican’s Direct and Eye-Opening Attack on Bp. Strickland

As stated in another Vortex, “The Vatican’s Direct and Eye-Opening Attack on Bp. Strickland,” Voris notes, “The U.S. bishops are drowning in hundreds of millions of dollars every year handed to them by their government counterparts under the guise once again of ‘charity,’ as in funding so-called social justice programs (translation: promoting Democratic Party agenda items).”

Voris outlines two elements that must not be tolerated for this relationship to endure: “(1) preaching orthodoxy and (2) being a political conservative.” Consequently, individuals like Strickland must be dealt with.

Legally Silencing Critics?

Marxist Democrats are now attempting to further silence opposition by seeking changes to First Amendment protections. During the Monday stream and in a recent Vortex, Voris explained the implications of a bill in the Michigan Legislature.

The Michigan House recently passed House Bill 4474, which aims to classify as a felony so-called hate speech.

“What Michigan Marxists in Lansing are attempting to do is add ‘hate’ speech to that list and deem it ‘unprotected.’ And in defining ‘hate,’ it incorporates ‘harassment’ into the definition of ‘intimidation,'” explained Voris. 

“Remember, in their attempt to silence all opposition, Marxist Democrats equate hate speech with actual violence, drawing an imaginary connection between words and words that might inspire a loose cannon to commit violence,” Voris emphasized.

Marxist Democrats equate hate speech with actual violence.

Voris added, “The penalty per occurrence laid out in the legislation is up to five years in prison, a $10,000 fine or both — per occurrence.”

The lack of assertiveness by the bishops in the face of evil could result in faithful Catholics being imprisoned simply because someone they attempt to evangelize finds the gospel offensive.

What is even more alarming is that, under this potential new law, “offenders” may still face civil lawsuits even after criminal prosecution is concluded.


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The Vortex: Free Speech Slaughter Makes Way to Michigan

Given the ongoing assault on constitutional rights by Marxist Democrats across the country, it is crucial to expose and remove them from positions of power. If the Michigan law is passed, it is likely that other blue states will quickly push to pass similar laws while the social justice hierarchy remains silent.

For further historical context on the prevalence of Marxism in both Church and State in America, watch Wednesday’s Vortex, “Catholic Bishops and Democrats: The Marxist Connection.”

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