Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

‘Distressingly’ Violent Democrats


For years, the radical Left has portrayed conservatives in America as violent far-right extremists. But now, a new poll is yielding ironic results.

Church Militant’s Aidan O’Connor unmasks the true face of American extremism.

A new poll reveals a surprising number of Americans support political violence. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a leftist group claiming to fight for so-called social justice, published the survey aiming to expose extremist beliefs — and it succeeded.

According to the research, 44% of young male Democrats support assassinating a politician who is harming the country. While the poll shows members of the Left are the most supportive of deadly violence — the Luciferian media has relentlessly tried to paint conservatives that way.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton labeled Trump supporters “deplorables” — a term the media pounced on.

And after Donald Trump was elected president, leftists went rabid with rage. Following the 2020 death of George Floyd, Democrats fostered a season of violent riots, looting and burning.

Meanwhile, the so-called party of tolerance has obsessed over the supposed national threat the alt-right poses, weaponizing the Jan. 6 Capitol protests.

This year, with infant murder on the line, radical leftists have taken to attacking Catholic churches, firebombing pro-life centers and threatening to kill Supreme Court justices.

Grafting your own faults onto others is a deception as old as time itself, finding its roots in the great accuser.

The woke law center’s poll also revealed over half of Republicans and well over one-third of Democrats believe the country is headed towards civil war.