Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Draft Synod document calls for more debate on controversial issues (Pillar)

As delegates to the Synod of Synodality begin discussion of a draft “synthesis report” that would summarize their month of deliberations, The Pillar reports that the document includes several sections that will likely cause debate, especially a section on “the Church’s discernment of controversial issues.”

The synthesis report, which may be amended before it is finally presented for the Synod delgates’ approval, will conclude the work of this year’s session. The document would then become part of the framework for the discussions of the second Synod assembly, in October of next year.

The Pillar, whose reporters obtained a copy of the draft, reported that the document calls for further debate on some controversial issues, explaining that this year’s assembly saw only limited debate. The document called for more debate on issues “relating to gender identity and sexual orientation, the end of life, difficult marital situations, and ethical issues related to artificial intelligence.” The 40-page synthesis report also touched on the question of a female diaconate.

The draft document also provided a definition of the elusive term “synodality”:

In its broadest sense, synodality can be understood as the walk of Christians with Christ toward the Kingdom, together with all humanity. Its orientation is towards mission, and its practice involves gathering in assembly at each level of ecclesial life.