Order. Discipline. Brotherhood. Greatness.

Driving American Patriotism

Faithful sons of Holy Mother Church know the only way back to a truly free country is through obedience to Catholic teaching.

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Hunter Bradford takes a closer look at one such patriot who is lighting a spiritual fire under his fellow Americans.

Craig Hudgins is one of the three cofounding members of Taking America Back. The mission of the organization is to “restore our God-given rights as citizens of the United States of America to live as free people.”

One of the ways TAB does that is by “supporting like-minded candidates that are running for U.S. Congress in 2022, 2023 and 2024 by traveling throughout the United States in RVs.”

The Virginia-based organization believes in “the Way, the Truth and the Life; the U.S. Constitution; law and order; secure U.S. borders and stopping socialism.”

Hudgins fully recognizes that we are engaging in spiritual combat against powers and principalities. 

Craig Hudgins, cofounder, Taking America Back: “We’ve lost the idea of what it means to the struggle between good and evil. It’s Satan himself that is orchestrating. Only Satan — only a diabolical plan could have been orchestrated in the matter that it is, which is worldwide.” 

His message to conservatives who have yet to mobilize is this: The way back to a free America is to first fix the corruption in the Church. 

Hudgins: “I don’t give a dime to my diocese any longer. I’m not going to give to this bishop who misuses the funds.”

One easy thing faithful laymen can do is not only starve your diocese of funds, but give money to the good guys.

As a Catholic, he is tortured knowing the USCCB has been receiving billions of dollars every year from the federal government for promoting illegal immigration.

Michael Voris, CEO, Church Militant:

That figure, if we can freeze that, guys, for a moment please — that figure right there, that, the two, that’s not $2,022.10. These numbers are in the millions. So that is $2,022,100,000. That’s over $2 billion the U.S. bishops have received from the federal government between 2008 and 2015. Sort of go through those.

Kim Tisor, producer, Church Militant: “For housing?” 

Voris: “For immigration, housing, transportation.”

Catholics must get involved in the public sphere. Hudgins is keenly aware that all politics are local. In fact, he played a part in getting conservatives into office in Virginia.

If conservatives don’t unite and fight the good fight, Hudgins warns, the future looks bleak.

Hudgins: “There may not be five years down the road, the way it’s going right now.”

The “one nation under God” will go down in history as yet another failed experiment precisely because it refused to submit to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.


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