Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Easter Bodies

The resurrection of Jesus is the center of Christian faith. If Christ is not raised, Paul says, our faith is worthless and we’re still in our sins. Unless he’s raised, Jesus’s life and death were utterly fruitless. If his body decayed in the tomb, Death won the battle with life and remains on the throne of this world. If he never rose, the hour of Darkness has endured down the centuries, without hope of dawn. Or worse: If Jesus never rose, Christians have been duped by the biggest hoax in human history. If he didn’t rise, his death wasn’t the titanic event Christians believe it to be; he was just one of thousands of pathetic Jews crucified by Romans in the late first century. Paul says it bluntly: If we’re following a dead savior, we are “of all men most miserable” (1 Cor. 15:16–19).

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