Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Eco-Terrorists Deface History to Kill Oil Industry


If you haven’t seen this yet or heard about it, take a look.

Those are two climate freaks who just marched into the London National Gallery and took hammers to a 400-year-old famous painting “Rokeby Venus,” valued at $90 million. The climate change lunatics are from the group Just Stop Oil and, on the same day, doused Birmingham University library in orange paint and went to London’s West End and charged the stage, interrupting a performance of “Les Mis.” 

While physical violence and destruction may not be the first go to for commies, it is never far from consideration. It’s just how they roll.

By the way they were finally arrested and charged, we’ll see how that goes though. The point — the Left will destroy anything in its supposed claim to want to save everything. 

One of the giant claims of the eco-terrorist crowd is that “the downtrodden” take the brunt of it when it comes to greedy Christian Westerners using oil and coal to destroy the environment via climate change. They’re always so concerned about the poor and so forth, just like the U.S. bishops frequently reference the “preferential option for the poor.”

The climate change lunatics are from the group Just Stop Oil.

How many climate victims does Cdl. Robert McElroy of San Diego allow to camp out in his house, giving them a preferential option? Why don’t we open up the Vatican and give a preferential option to the homeless sleeping out on the stone ground in the colonnade each night?

The level of hypocrisy is off the charts. You can’t on the one hand stand in front of microphones and issue statements all over the place that you “prefer the poor” and then just step over them on your way in to luxury digs. Yet this is par for the course.

For example, this coming week in Baltimore, nearly every U.S. bishop, more than 300, will fly in from around the country, hang out in the swanky Marriott by the Waterfront in the Inner Harbor, have nice meals in the hotel at breakfast and lunch and then a fleet of luxury SUVs will pull up at the main entrance and drive them all over town in group of 26 where they will eat very expensive steaks and enjoy a splendid Bordeaux. A few desserts will likely be gobbled down as well.

This happens twice a year, every year, at the expense of the Church (meaning you), as they continue to close parishes and schools, bellyaching there isn’t enough money. What they actually mean is there isn’t enough money left over after they get done using a million dollars, twice a year at their semi-annual boondoggle where relatively little happens related to the faith (unless it’s another giant vote to water it down or pretend the Deposit of Faith is optional).

One of the things that the USCCB does is produce baptismal documents for the Left’s agenda — climate change, illegal immigration, canceling the Second Amendment, you name it.

To help expose these errors, Church Militant is once again happy to organize our Deposit of Faith Coalition members in sponsoring another press conference for politically conservative media so they can understand the connection here.

Presenting to the media on Tuesday, Nov. 14, which will be at the Four Seasons Hotel in Baltimore during the bishops’ annual meeting, will be a number of the most highly respected experts ever assembled, including:

John Clauser, 2022 Nobel Prize winner in physics, who will debunk the phony science behind all this
Marc Morano, producer, writer and former investigative reporter for Rush Limbaugh, who’ll blow the lid off the plot to collapse America’s energy, transportation and food supply
Alex Newman, award-winning international journalist who has covered this topic and the misinformation from the Left about it for years (think Greta Thunberg and the media canonization of her), and
Yours truly, a multiple-Emmy-award-winning investigative journalist — I’ll be presenting on the hierarchy’s complicity in all this.

The press conference will be available for everyone at home to watch live, beginning at 1 p.m. ET on Nov. 14. Please tell everyone you know. Spread the word.

Church Militant is leading the charge, hands down, with our Deposit of Faith Coalition, in trying to roll back at least the funding the bishops get in all of this unethical activity, be it immigration or, in this case, environmental alarmism based on phony science.

They’re always so concerned about the poor and so forth.

As you know, we were in D.C. last week, on the Hill, interviewing congressmen who have had it with the “America last” agenda supported by liberal U.S. bishops, and now, once again, we are taking the fight right to the bishops’ doorstep.

As the bishops meet in the Marriott, directly across the street, at the exact same time, we will be broadcasting with a Nobel Prize winner and respected journalist-experts in all this.

So we’d like to appeal to you to help pay for all of this. It’s extremely costly to travel the crew, the equipment, set it all up, rent the facilities, bring in the speakers as well as the three weeks of background research and man hours we have already put into this — and the hard work hasn’t even begun yet.

The last press conference we sponsored in July in D.C. garnered more than 25 million media impressions as outlet after outlet kept publishing info from the press event — even Steve Bannon and InfoWars picked it all up, like Stew Peters picked up our work last week on Capitol Hill.

Staffers in Congress told us that was extremely helpful for them in pitching their legislation to simply cut off funding for the bishops and Religious Left groups. Well, here we go again. Cut off all funding for them — all of it. Every last dime. Whatever policy of the communists they are pushing, immigration or climate.

So please click on the donate button just below us here and be the heroes, the impetus in launching another broadside against this corruption. Fight back!