Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Famous Catholics, Social Media Stars Express Wholehearted Support for Harrison Butker After Graduation Speech

Three-time Super Bowl Champion Harrison Butker made headlines over the last week for his commencement address at Benedictine College on May 11, 2024. 

Butker, a devout Traditional Latin Mass Catholic attendee, husband, father, and entrepreneur, took to the stage in a somewhat untraditional speech.

“I know that my message today had a little less fluff than is expected for these speeches, but I believe that this audience and this venue is the best place to speak openly and honestly about who we are and where we all want to go, which is Heaven.”

He touched on the beauty of marriage, the role of husbands and wives, gender ideology, the dignity of life, and truly living out the Catholic faith.

He also chastised “Catholic” President Joe Biden for his outspoken pro-choice stance as well as members of the clergy he believes care more about political talking points and gaining popularity than leading their flock. 

While hundreds of critics took to social media in upset over Harrison Butker’s remarks, notable public figures spoke out to support him: 

Former Notre Dame football coach and Hall of Famer Lou Holtz posted a note of praise on X, stating “Thank you @buttkicker7 for standing strong in your faith values. Your commencement speech at Benedictine College showed courage and conviction and I admire that. Don’t give in.” While also linking a petition in support of him. “Sign here to thank Super Bowl Champion Harrison Butker, a true man of God.”

Thank you @buttkicker7 for standing strong in your faith values.

Your commencement speech at Benedictine College showed courage and conviction and I admire that.

Don’t give in.

Sign here to thank Super Bowl Champion Harrison Butker, a true man of God.

— Lou Holtz (@CoachLouHoltz88) May 16, 2024

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Catholic Fox News Host Rachel Campos Duffy posted, “Outrageous. I heard the entire speech by ⁦#HarrisonButker. It was 100% #Catholic in its worldview. Is #NFL saying they have no place for Catholics in their organization? Why does tolerance only go one way in America? So sick of it.”

Outrageous. I heard the entire speech by ⁦#HarrisonButker. It was 100% #Catholic in its world view.
Is #NFL saying they have no place for Catholics in their organization?
Why does tolerance only go one way in America? So sick of it.

— Rachel Campos-Duffy (@RCamposDuffy) May 16, 2024

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

Catholic actress Patricia Heaton from “The Middle” and “Everybody Loves Raymond” took to Instagram in a video to share her thoughts.

“He gave a commencement speech. The audience applauded twice during the speech and gave him a standing ovation at the end, so clearly they enjoyed what he was saying. The guy is espousing his own opinions and Catholic doctrine. So what?” Heaton says. “He’s not a monster for stating what he believes.”

“I am a Catholic woman who worked through my kids’ childhood, and I believe that God opened those doors for me. And thankfully, it was a schedule that allowed me to also be a full-time mom, basically. I find nothing offensive about what he said,” she continues. “That’s OK. That’s his opinion.”

Bill Maher also defended Butker on his talk show.

He states, “I don’t see what the big crime is, I really don’t.”

He also notes the irony of college leftists enraged over Butker while simultaneously “demonstrating for Hamas.” 

Bill Maher just defended Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker who promoted traditional values.

Maher then condemned leftists who say they’re for women’s rights but then riot in support of Hamas.

Irony is entertaining.

— Kevin Thomas (@kevinsrq23) May 19, 2024

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Liz Wheeler, host of the Liz Wheeler Show, participated in an online trend on X (Formerly Twitter), of working mothers sharing their support for Butker’s sentiments.

She stated, “My name is Liz, I have a high-powered career that I love, and I totally agree with Harrison Butker: my most fulfilling role is wife to my husband & mother to my two young daughters. 

My name is Liz, I have a high-powered career that I love, and I totally agree with Harrison Butker: my most fulfilling role is wife to my husband & mother to my two young daughters. 🤍

— Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) May 18, 2024

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

Notable Catholic clergy also came to Burker’s defense, including San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and Bishop Joseph Strickland of Texas. 

Encouraging people to read Butker’s speech, Archbishop Cordelione shared, “@buttkicker7‘s call for young Catholic men to put their vocations as husbands and fathers first could not be more important. Surely we spiritual fathers can ponder his call to us too. Faithfulness is the way.”

@buttkicker7‘s call for young Catholic men to put their vocations as husbands and fathers first could not be more important. Surely we spiritual fathers can ponder his call to us too. Faithfulness is the way. Read the speech:

— Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone (@ArchCordileone) May 17, 2024

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

Bishop Strickland stated, “Thank you Harrison for speaking truth, it is no surprise that some are reacting with extreme negativity, too many today hate the Truth & merely want “their” truth which is not truth at all. You are in my prayers.

Thank you Harrison for speaking truth, it is no surprise that some are reacting with extreme negativity, too many today hate the Truth & merely want “their” truth which is not truth at all. You are in my prayers.

— Bishop J. Strickland (@BishStrickland) May 16, 2024

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Father Ronald Vierling posted, “Good to hear. Butker’s theme, long-cherished in the Catholic tradition, was the family as the domestic Church. Although Butker’s words about women have been highlighted (and misrepresented) in the media, Butker also reminded men of their duties as husbands and fathers. His sole point—and made quite eloquently—is that the call to Christian parenthood is infinitely more important and fulfilling than the pursuit of a career path. This triggered the left who find such notions as masculinity, femininity, and family offensive.” 

Good to hear. Butker’s theme, long-cherished in the Catholic tradition, was the family as the domestic Church. Although Butker’s words about women have been highlighted (and misrepresented) in the media, Butker also reminded men of their duties as husbands and fathers. His sole…

— Father V (@father_rmv) May 17, 2024

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Senator Josh Hawley posted a photo with Butker, stating, “Never more proud to call Harrison Butker my friend.”

Never more proud to call Harrison Butker my friend

— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) May 16, 2024

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Congressman Keith Stelf of Texas also shared a photo with the Chief’s kicker, “I stand with Harrison.” 

I stand with Harrison Butker!

— Rep. Keith Self (@RepKeithSelf) May 20, 2024

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Catholic Vote shared clips of his speech with the caption, “WATCH: Super Bowl Champ Harrison Butker leaves Catholic grads at Benedictine College in CHILLS after sharing his deep love for the Traditional Latin Mass.”

WATCH: Super Bowl Champ Harrison Butker leaves Catholic grads at Benedictine College in CHILLS after sharing his deep love for the Traditional Latin Mass ❤️

— CatholicVote (@CatholicVote) May 16, 2024

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Lila Rose, a Catholic wife, mother, and the founder of Live Action posted, “Harrison Butker is right. Supporting the murder of babies is unacceptable for everyone, especially Christians.” 

Harrison Butker is right. Supporting the murder of babies is unacceptable for everyone, especially Christians.

— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) May 16, 2024

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In a post on X (Formerly Twitter), Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, posted, “If you watch one video today, this should be it. Harrison Butker at Benedictine College: ‘This is an important reminder that ‘being Catholic’ alone doesn’t cut it.'” 

If you watch one video today, this should be it.

Harrison Butker at Benedictine College:

“This is an important reminder that ‘being Catholic’ alone doesn’t cut it.”

— Kristan Hawkins (@KristanHawkins) May 14, 2024

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

Shawn Carney, CEO of 40 Days for Life, went on Fox News to discuss the hypocrisy of the NFL.

In a clip on X from 40 Days for Life, Carney stated, “The NFL has had rapists, the NFL has had people that have beaten women and we’re going to attack a guy who teared up about the day that he met his future bride in middle school?  Who challenges men to be good husbands and good fathers? This is who we are attacking?”

.@CarneyShawn calls out the hypocrisy on @FoxNews: The NFL has had rapists and people who have beaten women. Yet, we’re attacking Harrison Butker, who teared up about meeting his bride and challenged men to be good husbands and fathers? Pure insanity! @BenedictineKS

— 40 Days for Life (@40daysforlife) May 20, 2024

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

While Butker’s commencement address has stirred debate regarding free speech, it has also revealed a plethora of anti-Catholic bigotry.

Watch the full Harrison Butker speech here:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.