Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Fr. Donald Calloway Reveals St. Joseph’s Miraculous Power in Saving Lives & Souls

St. Joseph is a powerful intercessor and our loving spiritual father, something Father Donald Calloway knows all too well.

In a recent interview with ChurchPOP editor Jacqueline Burkepile, Father Donald Calloway, MIC, discusses two upcoming St. Joseph-centered films: “A Father’s Heart” from Goya Productions, and the Knights of Columbus short film, “Our Liberator.”

Both films hit theaters for one day in English and one day in Spanish on May 1 and 2, respectively.

Father Calloway, who also wrote “The Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father,” explains his experience and knowledge of the powerful intercession of St. Joseph, including the miraculous novena Dachau concentration camp prisoners prayed during World War II, which ultimately saved their lives from a death sentence.

Fr. Calloway also answers how Catholics can respond to the growing spread of Marxist and communist ideologies across the United States and the world. He reiterates the importance of turning to St. Joseph in tumultuous times.

As we approach the May 1 feast of St. Joseph the Worker, Fr. Calloway reveals the history behind the feast, which began as a response to the communist workers’ movement in the mid-20th century.

“We’ve had popes write documents about this and invoking St. Joseph and even declaring a new feast day in honor of Saint Joseph to help us overcome the threat of communism in the mid-20th century,” Father Calloway explained.

May 1 is [the feast of] St. Joseph the Worker because [Pope Pius XII] wanted to establish that feast and give a correct understanding of workers’ rights– not the communist understanding, but a true understanding,” he continued. “So we’ve always gone to St. Joseph on these matters.”

Fr. Calloway also then discussed the sleeping St. Joseph statue tradition of writing notes, placing them under the statue, and entrusting the petition to the saint.

Here’s the powerful interview below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

St. Joseph, please pray for us!

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[See also: Pope Francis Sends Sleeping St. Joseph Statue to Parish He Found His Vocation]

[See also: The First Words of the Child Jesus to St. Joseph, Revealed by a 17th C. Mystic]