Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Fr. James Martin Faces Resistance at New York Parish

Although dissenters seeking to corrupt the Church from within are given platforms — even in Catholic parishes — the efforts of some laymen show that faithful Catholics won’t sit idly by and let authentic Church teaching be ignored.   

On Sunday, Sept. 17, Church Militant Resistance organized over a dozen Catholics to protest Fr. James Martin’s appearance at St. Pius X parish in Scarsdale, New York. The group objecting to Martin’s message included Resistance members from New York, Connecticut and New Jersey chapters, as well as members from Tradition Family Property and Westchester County Pro-Life.

Protesters at St. Pius X Parish

Upon arrival, these faithful Catholics said prayers of reparation and handed out materials to attendees, outlining the issues with Fr. Martin’s pro-sodomy ideology. The materials also explained authentic Church teaching on homosexuality and highlighted organizations, like Courage, that offer proper assistance to those struggling with same-sex attraction.

In the weeks leading up to the event, the parish received numerous complaints — an effort spearheaded by Church Militant Resistance — pleading with the parish council to rescind its invitation to Fr. Martin. Despite the minimal promotion of the event by the parish and a relatively small turnout for a speaker as notable as Fr. Martin (roughly 75–100 attendees), a heavy police presence was maintained throughout the afternoon. Apparently, Fr. Martin and St. Pius X Parish view Catholics praying the Rosary and handing out pamphlets as a threat. 

By listening to him, they are putting their souls in danger.

Speaking about those who struggle with same-sex attraction or gender confusion, Bridgeport, Connecticut, Resistance captain June Vendetti said, “We pray for them. We pray that they will see the truth and not listen to Fr. Martin because by listening to him, they are putting their souls in danger. Hopefully, we can help souls from going down the wrong path.”

Protesters at St. Pius X Parish

In his talk, Fr. Martin addressed topics like the upcoming Synod on Synodality in October, outreach to so-called LGBT Catholics and his new book, Come Forth: The Promise of Jesus’ Greatest Miracle.

During his talk, Martin weaved together an argument that seems plausible, focusing on Jesus’ mercy, outreach to the marginalized, etc., using examples from the gospels like the woman at the well and Zacchaeus. He then equated LGBT people to Zacchaeus climbing the tree to see Our Lord, saying, “That’s all LGBTQ people want. That’s all we all want. We want to see who Jesus is.” In all of this, Fr. Martin completely overlooks the charity we must extend to those in sin by calling them to repent and conform to God’s will.

Martin also didn’t miss the opportunity to take shots at Resistance members, stating, “Extending mercy to people on the margins always makes people furious. Go look outside at the protesters.”

At one point in his talk, Martin used wordplay to draw a comparison between Lazarus being raised from the dead and LGBT people “coming out [of the closet],” further demonstrating his twisted distortion of Scripture and Church teaching to fit his agenda.

Our goal is to resist and reverse the evil that has infiltrated our Church and culture.

Afterward, he spent time answering questions and engaging with those present. After the designated Q and A, Martin’s supporters, however, would not allow video to be taken of personal interactions with Martin. Direct questions challenging Martin were met with loose, vapid responses, allowing Martin plausible deniability should anyone accuse him of directly speaking against Church teaching. Resistance captain Suzanne Allen did approach Fr. Martin and gave him a Courage pamphlet.

Fr. James Martin at the event

One thing that cannot be overlooked is why the archdiocese of New York — specifically Cdl. Timothy Dolan — allows Martin to speak at a diocesan parish? Does His Eminence approve of Fr. Martin and what he preaches? In May 2022, Dolan sent a letter to members of Fr. Martin’s  Outreach group, saying in part, “Yours is an important ministry, as you work with those seeking a closer relationship with Jesus and His Church. No one should ever feel alienated from God’s love or ineligible for His Grace and Mercy.”

This should come as no surprise. Dolan has a spotty history on the homosexuality issue, including the celebration of gays at the St. Patrick’s parade in 2016 and covering up for the perverted priest Fr. Peter Miqueli.

It falls on the laity to step forward and not only oppose those seeking to corrupt the Church from within but to also educate and evangelize those who have been wrongfully deprived of authentic Church teaching.

Church Militant Resistance is a grassroots movement that helps Catholics connect, develop and take action. Our goal is to resist and reverse the evil that has infiltrated our Church and culture.

— Campaign 31877 —