Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Franciscan friars pray, fast in Nazareth (Custody of the Holy Land)

Father Wojciech Bołoz, rector of the Basilica of the Annunciation and Sanctuary of the Holy Family in Nazareth, said on October 17 that “when this new and atrocious conflict started in the south of Israel, the tour agencies diverted all the pilgrims up here to the north, and the situation almost seemed to be normal. But in the last two days, things have obviously changed and only one group has stayed in the city and their trip ends today. It is difficult to foresee when we will see other pilgrims.”

October 17 is the day of prayer and fasting proposed by proposed the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries in the Holy Land and by Pope Francis; the Mass, Rosary, and other events are being livestreamed from Nazareth.