Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Friday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

Jesus suffered and died on the cross for our salvation from sin. This is the greatest gift humanity has received from God. But to accept this gift, we must shed our worldly attachments and follow Christ. Following Christ, however, will lead us into direct confrontation with the world’s values many of which are rooted in materialism and evil.

Accepting and following Christ means commitment to a responsibility in faith. We see many so-called Christians proclaiming to everyone their strong faith and beliefs. They sing wholeheartedly during Mass or services; they religiously attend and participate in Bible studies and prayer meetings; and they boast their faith and religious fervor to friends and families at home. But rarely do we see these same people caring for the sick, visiting prisoners, or sponsoring programs to educate poor children or orphans. These so-called Christians, in whom some of us are included, pay a lot more
lip service than real service.

Real followers of Jesus are active participants of their faith. They practice what they preach and what is preached to them. They understand and realize that service of their faith is not an easy task. There inevitably will be conflicts with worldly values and as a result there will be suffering from those conflicts.

As we strive to be real followers, we can be consoled to know that even with all the obstacles, conflicts and adversities we will encounter each day, Jesus will always be on our side. After all, being His disciple assures us of His presence, His counsel, and most of all, His love.