Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Gay Priest to Conflate ‘Racial Justice and LGBTQ Inclusion’

ST. JOSEPH, Minn. ( – At a Catholic college, a progressive and openly gay priest is set to give a talk on racial justice and LGBT inclusion. 

Fr. Bryan Massingale

On Tuesday evening, Fr. Bryan Massingale is scheduled to deliver a talk titled “The Threat of White Christian Nationalism” at the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota. 

“In Catholic discourse, concern for racial justice and LGBTQ inclusion are often treated in isolation,” an advertisement for the talk states. “This presentation offers an intersectional approach to racial and sexual justice by exploring the challenge that white Christian nationalism poses to both our democracy and to vulnerable populations.”

“It argues that ‘seeing and loving the world as God does’ requires an uncompromising rejection of the idolatry of Christian nationalism and creating a society where the dignity of all is respected,” the advertisement continues. 

“Dr. Massingale is a leading African American scholar on racism and social justice,” according to the advertisement. “His lecture will focus on the current manifestation of Christian nationalism and envisioning and building a spirituality of resistance against racism.”

‘It’s So Sad’

“It’s so sad when a family like mine has SSA [same-sex-attracted] children, and we are trying to teach them truth and something like this comes along,” one concerned parent lamented to Church Militant.

Others familiar with the upcoming talk criticized the bizarre conflation of racial topics with LGBT ones. They argued the two topics are treated in isolation because they are different topics.

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News Report: Pushing False Narratives

But they noted Massingale often conflates these two topics by drowning them in a whirlpool of academic-sounding balderdash while constantly attempting to appeal to people’s emotions. They suggested he also likes to set himself up as an expert beyond questioning by constantly highlighting that he is black and gay.

Being a gay man of color is an experience of joy.

Regardless of his motives, Massingale does often discuss his race and his homosexuality. For example, Fr. James Martin’s pro-sodomy website, Outreach, divided Massingale’s keynote address at the Outreach conference in New York last summer into the following three sections: “Bryan N. Massingale: LGBTQ ministry must contend with the threat of white nationalism,” “Father Bryan Massingale on coming out and finding himself among God’s beloved creation” and “Bryan N. Massingale: Being a gay man of color is an experience of joy.” 

Massingale’s Dream

In the last section of his keynote address last summer, Massingale stated, “My ongoing joy is to see my black, gay body and self as beloved by God.”

“And that’s holy work, because if we cannot see ourselves as the images of God, that does irreparable spiritual harm,” he continued. “Last summer, this vision became even more real for me. I’ve been involved in a documentary that will be released later this year entitled Wonderfully Made.” 

Wonderfully Made is a documentary that argues for the normalization of sodomy in the Catholic Church. The film’s executive producer and director are in a same-sex so-called marriage.

Mark McDermott and Yuval David

“One of the major producers of that documentary, Mark McDermott, and his husband, Yuval David, have been relentlessly and generously bringing this project to fulfillment,” Massingale asserted. 

Gay so-called marriage was on Massingale’s mind again in April when he gave a speech at the Ignatian Q conference held at Fordham University’s Church of St. Paul the Apostle in New York.

Once again, at that talk, he conflated racism and LGBT discrimination. 

“I dream of a time when the LGBTQ community will see racism as their issue because it already is our issue,” Massingale stated. “I dream of a day when two men and two women can stand before our Church, proclaim their love and have it blessed in the sacrament of marriage.”

The film’s executive producer and director are in a same-sex so-called marriage.

“I dream of a Church where gay priests and lesbian sisters are acknowledged as the holy and faithful leaders they already are,” he continued. “I dream of a world where queer young people in Honduras, El Salvador, Uganda, Kenya and Afghanistan can step out of hiding and live without fear.”

Film Trailer for documentary ‘Wonderfully Made – LGBTQ+R(eligion)’

“I dream of a Church where LGBTQ employees and school teachers can teach our children, serve God’s people and have their vocations, sexuality and committed loves affirmed,” Massingale went on before mentioning another four dreams he has for a world that celebrates sin.

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