Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Germany: Fury of Progressive Circles Against Pope Francis

The text of the feminist forum makes accusations. A synodal process has taken place in Germany and has resulted in decisions that respond to urgent demands for reform, including participation and separation of powers, and gender equality in the Church and equality of rights of queer people. One of the women involved in the German debacle who could have pressed these issues further was not appointed to the World Synod with the right to vote.

In the open letter, addressed to Cardinals Jean-Claude Hollerich, SJ and Mario Grech, as key figures of the World Synod on Synodality, as well as to Sister Nathalie Becquart XMCJ, Undersecretary of the Synod, we read:

“As President of ZdK and President of the Synodal Way, Mrs. Irme Stetter-Karp presented with commitment and courage the concerns of the vast majority of the German Synodal Assembly in Prague [at the continental phase of the Synod. Ed.]. She would have been ready to do so also in Rome and had the support of the German continental synods. Thanks to her, we would have been very well represented!”

The letter admits a small satisfaction: “It is important to recognize that among the German speaking women with the right to vote, there is Mrs. Helena Jeppesen-Spuhler (CH), who will bring our important concerns to the World Synod,” say the 10 signatories.

But, this is also to show their disapproval: “However, our joy at her appointment does not compensate for our anger and disappointment at the refusal to include Mrs. Stetter-Karp as a representative of German secular Catholicism. The two women could have complemented each other.”

The German Catholic group Maria 1.0, a women’s group that advocates for the preservation of the Faith, responded in an open letter to the Women’s Forum:

“Indeed, as President of ZdK and Co-Chair of the German Synodal Way, [Mrs. Stetter-Karp] has repeatedly shown that she is not sincerely interested in a truly synodal Church, but that she would know how to present already developed problem analyses with prepared answers.”

Maria 1.0 also recalled Mrs. Stetter-Karp’s request to ensure “that the medical intervention of an abortion is accessible throughout the country.” This proposal was never retracted, despite pressure applied at a session of the Synodal Path.

Finally, the Catholic women of Maria 1.0 welcome the nominations of Cardinal Gerhard Müller and Bishop Stefan Oster, one of the four German bishops opposed to the Synodal Path: “We welcome the appointment of Cardinal Müller and Archbishop Oster, who truly represent many Catholics in Germany.”

10 members of the Women in Ministries and Functions in the Church of the Synodal Path Forum in an open letter deplored an “affront” on the part of Pope Francis in view of the World Synod. The letter concerns the non-election of Irme Stetter-Karp, President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) and President of the Synodal Path, to the Synod on Synodality.