Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

‘God’s Army’ Heading Toward The Southern Border

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. ( – A convoy of patriots began traveling across the United States today to shed light on the dangers of open borders.

YG Nyghtstorm, Church Militant’s executive director, blasted
the horn as the first truck rolled toward the West Coast

The Take Our Border Back Convoy, departing from Virginia Beach, Virginia, is scheduled to culminate with three simultaneous rallies in San Ysidro, a district in San Diego, California; Yuma, Arizona; and Quemado, Texas (Eagle Pass) on Feb. 3.

Some reports say the convoy is expected to draw up to 700,000 vehicles, with truckers from Canada joining in.

According to its website, the convoy aims to “send a message” to local, state and federal officials and law enforcement that they need to close the border. It aims to illuminate the dangers of open borders that organizers say are destroying the nation.

There is no violence, but there is a revolution of evangelism.

The organizers said online that they are “calling all active and retired law enforcement and military, veterans, Mama Bears, elected officials, business owners, ranchers, truckers, bikers, media and law-abiding, freedom-loving Americans” to join in as they travel from Virginia to the rendezvous points in Texas, Arizona and California. 

Church Militant Is ‘Tip of the Spear’

Church Militant’s executive director, YG Nyghtstorm, was on hand to get the convoy rolling. He led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance as well as prayer.

YG Nyghtstorm led the convoy in prayer

Nyghtstorm implored Our Lord:

You have told us in Your Word that these days were coming. … But you have prepared your people for this moment. … We want to obey You. … You told Your disciples to go out to the people, and we are going out to the people.  We are going to … stand for the country that You have blessed us with. … We thank You for this privilege and opportunity to stand for You. 

All we want to hear [You say] when we wake up in paradise is “well done, good and faithful servant” because obedience is greater than sacrifice. And we are obeying You right now when it is hard — when it hurts, when it takes sacrifice. But that is how this country became great. … So we are bringing Your word to the people. 

Nyghtstorm also implored the patriots on hand and those watching around the country, saying, “There is no violence [motivating the convoy], but there is a revolution of evangelism … to reach everybody who has felt lost and forgotten. … Your country has not forgotten about you. Your God has not forgotten about you. … We ask for anybody to join our convoy of peace and grace and mercy.”

En route to Raleigh, he reported about the convoy, “It’s good and growing. We’re rolling!”

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YG Nyghtstorm (left), Church Militant’s executive director, rallied patriots with love for Our Lord and America

“God’s army is here,” he said. “The convoy is re-evangelizing our country, and Church Militant is the tip of the spear.”

Patriots’ Call to Action

Kim Yeater, a freedom-loving patriot and influencer, echoed Nyghtstorm’s sentiments.

“God’s army is rising up,” she said. “We all have been chosen for this time.” 

We are all followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is a Man of Peace.

Pete Chambers, one of the organizers, proclaims Americans are “besieged on all sides” by evil, “dark forces.”

Chambers wrote:

Fellow citizens and compatriots … I call on you in the name of liberty, of patriotism and everything dear to the American character to come to our aid with all dispatch. If this call is neglected, we are determined to sustain ourselves as long as possible and act like soldiers who never forget what is due to our own honor and that of our country. We have sustained continual bombardments of tyranny and have maintained our honor, prestige and esprit de corps.

The organizers emphasize that peace and prayer are of the utmost importance.

Church Militant’s YG Nyghtstorm helped kick off the convoy in prayer

In a pre-launch message recorded on Rumble, another organizer, identifying himself as Robert AG, explained,

We’re not going to ports of entry. We’re not blockading. We’re not going to engage law enforcement or any individuals. … This is a peaceful assembly … calling upon the Lord to fight this battle for us and to make our voices heard using our First Amendment rights — freedom of speech, freedom of religion, press, ability to assemble — and to make our voices be heard so that those we’ve elected — and hired — do a job to protect the citizens of not just Texas, [but] the entire United States of America.

Ahead of its departure, convoy organizer Craig Hudgins stressed the importance of placing peace front and center of the convoy. 

“One thing I want to stress — because we got bad press already — people are making up all kinds of stories that are not true,” he warned. “This is all about being a peaceful, peaceable demonstration — to go forth and to say that we are all followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is a Man of Peace.”

Patriots turned out to wish the convoy success

The organizers are also asking for everyone to join in national prayer “for the safety of folks about to get on the road tomorrow — [for] the cooperation of the highway patrol against attacks that may come in from the enemy and a victory the likes we have never seen!”

They are also asking patriots to remember and recite 2 Chronicles 7-14: “If then my people, upon whom my name has been pronounced, humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven and pardon their sins and heal their land.”

For more information, visit the Take Our Border Back Convoy website.

This is a developing story Church Militant will continue to cover.

— Campaign 31877 —