Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Google, Gates, Soros Fund Pro-Vax Catholics

ROME ( – A Catholic “fact-checking” operation launched by a consortium of establishment Catholic media with close ties to Pope Francis is being bankrolled by child rape porn–pushing Google, vaccine-peddler Bill Gates and left-wing agitator George Soros. 

Time magazine features the Great Reset in its cover story

Headed up by Aleteia (a Catholic website owned by France’s fourth-largest publishing house, the Média-Participations group), the initiative labelled is targeting Catholic journalists who expose adverse vaccine events and vaccine fatalities. 

While the Média-Participations group boasts annual revenues of approximately 550 million euros, has bagged funding of an undisclosed sum from Google News Initiative’s “COVID-19 Vaccine Counter-Misinformation Open Fund” of $3 million.

Google’s Gulag

A Church Militant investigation has unearthed an unholy nexus between the International Consortium of Catholic Media on COVID-19 Vaccines (aka and Big Tech, Big Pharma and pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ+ left-wing philanthropy. 

According to its website, the Google project pays journalists to counter “misinformation” on the China-virus jabs “to reach audiences underserved by fact-checking or targeted by misinformation” — in this case, Catholics with moral or safety concerns about the abortion-tainted shots. 

“Aleteia, I.Media and will work with a scientific committee and two research centers to source misinformation and create a database of related fact-checks available in seven languages for Catholic media outlets around the world,” Google News Lab reports. 

Amidst plummeting sales, no editor dares bite the hand that feeds.

In addition, the “fact-checking” consortium lists 30 Catholic “media partners” and invites other Catholic media to join, requiring members to “provide verified information” on the injection and “spread it as deemed appropriate.”

One of the consortium’s most high-profile listed media partners is Religión Digital — a left-wing, pro–liberation theology media group founded by laicized homosexual priest José Manuel Vidal, who has accused the Church of a “paranoid, irrational and absurd homophobia.” 

Big Bucks From Bill Gates, George Soros

The consortium provides a scientific committee offering scientific consulting, specifically from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) — a body that has received over $57 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). 

BMGF provided ISGlobal amounts of $1,499,945 (October 2019), $11,264,452 (April 2019), $2,876,087 (June 2017), $4,883,451 (November 2015), $14,400,000 and $1,340,898 (September 2014), $2,576,454 (November 2012), $1,013,466 (October 2012), $6,333,162 and $3,568,109 (November 2011), $8,987,813 (February 2011) and $1,803,241 (November 2009).

Smaller awards from the BMGF to ISGlobal include $93,250 (September 2020), $99,985 (August 2017), $100,000 (April 2015), $499,284 (November 2014), $240,655 (November 2013), $909,276 (September 2013) and $320,913 (August 2013). 

Civil rights lawyer Harmeet Dhillon debunks Facebook “fact-checkers”

As part of its vaccine propaganda, ISGlobal claims the highest “vaccine hesitancy” is tied to both “lower income and conservative ideology,” despite a landmark study from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh concluding people with PhDs represented the most “vaccine-hesitant” demographic profile. 

From 2017–2019, ISGlobal received $146,644 from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF), which is pushing the experimental injections in Asia and Africa under the guise of “vaccine equity.” The Soros Economic Development Fund (SEDF) works closely with the BMGF. 
In June 2021, the Soros and Gates foundations funded a European parliamentary campaign seeking to discredit Catholic pro-life and pro-family organizations, including the Vatican and the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE).

Google is not a newcomer to using suspect practices within the drug industry.

Both foundations have been at the vanguard of “reproductive rights” (i.e., contraception and abortion) and LGBTQ+ rights. Aleteia, ironically, earlier alerted its readers to OSF using “abortion as a weapon to overthrow those countries he considers conservative, Catholic, traditional and sovereign.”

The BMGF grants database reveals how Bill Gates has bankrolled hundreds of mainstream media outlets to the tune of over $319 million, including the center-right British newspaper The Daily Telegraph ($3,446,801) and the left-wing British newspaper The Guardian ($12,951,391).

“That the Gates Foundation is underwriting a significant chunk of our media ecosystem leads to serious problems with objectivity,” wrote researcher Dr. Alan MacLeod. “This conflict of interest is one that corporate media have largely tried to ignore, while the supposedly altruistic philanthropist Gates just keeps getting richer, laughing all the way to the bank.”

Aleteia Marries Google to Vatican 

In 2013, a year and a half after Aleteia was founded, it signed an agreement with Google adopting its digital technology to analyze “trending topics” in online discussions relevant to the Church.

Pope Francis has hosted tech and media moguls

While Aleteia agreed to adopt Google Search Appliance technology and the Google App Engine cloud platform, Google helped the Catholic news aggregator to monetize ads through the AdEthic project — a system for advertising on sites dealing with Catholic topics.

In October 2016, Pope Francis held a private audience with leaders from Google, WPP, Publicis and Aleteia at Santa Marta. At the meeting were Carlo D’Asaro Biondo, president of EMEA Strategic Relations at Google, and Vincent Montagne, president of the Média-Participations group. 

Aleteia was an “official partner” at a November conference bringing together Big Tech oligarchs and the world’s leading ad companies with Vatican top brass. Eric Schmidt, then-executive chairman of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, was a star speaker at the event. 

Alphabet in Bed With Big Pharma

In 2015, Google’s parent company, Alphabet, launched Verily, its healthcare and life sciences division. “Google has been dabbling in the drug market for several years,” the Center for Digital Ethics and Policy (CDEP) noted, pointing to Google’s stranglehold on private health data.

The CDEP, a research institute at Loyola University, Chicago, warned: “The combination of data mining and Google’s vast influence and drug interests is frightening. Google is not a newcomer to using suspect practices within the drug industry.” 

In 2014, the Justice Department forced Google to pay $500 million in fines for the illegal distribution of counterfeit drugs. Google knowingly assisted Canadian pharmacies in selling drugs without a prescription through AdWords in 27 different countries, CDEP reported.

Besides collecting health information, Google wants what any other data mining company wants: To sell data.

In May 2019, Google announced it was teaming up with vaccine king Pfizer and other members of Big Pharma through Verily. Verily is currently partnering with Pfizer and the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) on a long-term surveillance study of the Pfizer vaccine.

Verily is also marketing digital solutions on vaccine management, COVID-19 testing, and vaccination and test tracking. The solutions give employers the ability to track vaccination and booster status for individual employees. Verily’s Baseline COVID-19 research project involves research for developing treatments, antibody testing and vaccines.

“Besides collecting your health information for their own use, Google wants what any other data mining company wants: To sell data,” CDEP cautions, noting that information is sold to Big Pharma companies so they can “target physicians that are high-volume drug prescribers, as they would be most willing to prescribe new or improved medications.”

“With Google entering the pharmaceuticals market through willing partnerships with manufacturers, it’s no wonder they want to get their hands on data to help them move the drugs they’re funding,” CDEP concludes. 

Google’s Dirty Tricks 

Former Mississippi attorney general Jim Hood has sued Google over student-data privacy for data mining student information and marketing it to third parties.

Google in parody

European antitrust officials fined the internet search company a record $2.7 billion in 2017 for unfairly favoring some of its own services over those of rivals, while Russia fined the tech giant $8 million for antitrust violations in the mobile applications market. 

In 2020, a $5 billion class action lawsuit accused Google of illegally invading the privacy of millions of users by pervasively tracking their internet use through browsers set in “private” mode.

With regard to online pornography, Google searches have helped direct people to illegal child sexual abuse videos. “Google is a pillar of this sleazy ecosystem, for roughly half the traffic reaching XVideos and XNXX appears to come from Google searches,” writes Pulitzer-prize winner Nicholas Kristof.

The ‘porn tube’ sites are obsessed with their Google rankings because Google is their lifeline.

“The ‘porn tube’ sites are obsessed with their Google rankings because Google is their lifeline,” laments Laila Mickelwait, president of the Justice Defense Fund, which fights online sexual exploitation. “Google is the primary means by which they drive traffic to their sites.”

Google whistleblower Mike Wacker revealed evidence in 2019 that Google’s human resources department exhibits bias against Christians and that it has even labeled Christian YouTube ads “homophobic.”

Who Will Fact-Check the Fact-Checkers? 

“To their eternal shame, there is no evidence of such Catholic ‘fact-checkers’ first ‘fact-checking’ and then publicly rebuking the sickening crimes of their Big Tech and Big Pharma bedfellows,” medical ethicist Dr. Niall McCrae told Church Militant. 

“Bill Gates has bankrolled mainstream media globally. Amidst plummeting sales, no editor dares bite the hand that feeds. Meanwhile, government ministers have bought very wisely on the stock market, with lucrative shares in Big Pharma,” McCrae remarked. 

James C. Smith has a blatant conflict of interests

“The stench of corruption would need a gas mask,” the British ethicist added, noting that “Reuters Fact Check is a secular propaganda arm of Pfizer — a counterpart to the Catholic fact-checkers.” 

James C. Smith, erstwhile president and CEO of Thomson Reuters and a top investor in Pfizer, is on Pfizer’s board of directors. Smith is currently chairman of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Reuters has published over 23,000 articles promoting Pfizer.

Smith also serves on the board of the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative and is a member of the WEF’s International Business Advisory Boards of British American Business and the Atlantic Council.

The WEF has been the prime mover weaponizing the China virus to orchestrate the Great Reset — which Dr. McCrae labels “a program of surveillance and eugenics designed by technocratic atheists.”

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò believes that the totalitarian initiative is masterminded by “a global elite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations,” Church Militant earlier reported.

The media giant is employing left-wing vetters to limit scientific debate.

Facebook’s “fact-checking” operation has come under similar scrutiny, with The Wall Street Journal warning that “the media giant is employing left-wing vetters to limit scientific debate.” 

WSJ slammed the initiative as “counter-opinion masquerading as fact-checking,” with Facebook’s fact-checkers cherry-picking studies “to support their own opinions, which they present as fact.” 

Hit by a lawsuit filed by celebrity journalist John Stossel, Facebook admitted to a California district court in November that their “fact-checks” were merely “protected opinion.”

Vatican Weaponizes Catholic Fact-Checker

Despite insisting that consortium members “do not offer polarized information for or against the different vaccines,” the Catholic “fact-checker” has begun attacking faithful Catholics who are exposing the dangers of the experimental injections. 

Catholic media baron Vincent Montagne

On Tuesday, Fr. Alberto Carrara attacked Vaticanist Edward Pentin for his article exposing the Pontifical Academy for Life pushing child vaccination, despite documented deaths of children soon after the jab. 

Carrara tweeted: “#fakenews. As member of the Scientific Committee of I’m on the same line as Annamaria Staiano, president of the Italian Society of Pediatrics: ‘All pediatric scientific communities are in favor of vaccination against #Covid in the age group 5–11 years.'”

Carrara ignored an alert by over 16,000 medical scientists and doctors citing over 150 peer-reviewed studies from prestigious medical journals, warning: “Children risk severe, adverse events from receiving the vaccine.” 

“In the 1984 world of the COVID cult, when I see a fact-checking article, my default position is to assume it is false and the truth-teller it is attacking is indeed speaking the truth,” Dr. McCrae advised in comments to Church Militant.

Church Militant contacted, asking about their sources of funding, conflict of interest, geographical location and if their “fact-checkers” were offering “opinion” and therefore protected from defamation, but received no response.

— Campaign 31877 —