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Half Faith


A blessed Easter to each and every one of you. We celebrate Easter for eight days because the joy of the Resurrection cannot be contained to just one day. And let’s talk about that joy and plugging into it.

First, let’s be clear from the outset. If you do not worthily receive Holy Communion — the Real Presence of Jesus Christ, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity — you are playing with fire, eternal fire.

Despite all the good “feelings” and “emotions” over the Resurrection, those will evaporate for those who willfully disregarded or rejected the Divine Master’s command to eat my Body and drink my Blood. How a person feels about Jesus or parts of His life or some of His teachings is entirely meaningless. What matters is the truth, nothing else.

Our Lord Himself directly connected the necessity of eating and drinking His Body and Blood to the Resurrection. In the synagogue at Capernaum, in front of the disbelieving Jews, He said, “He who eats My Body and drinks My Blood abides in Me, and I will raise him up on the last day.”

A person who rejects the Real Presence is damned.

The real Church — the only Church, the Catholic Church — has held and taught this from the very beginning. Normatively speaking, a person who rejects the Real Presence is damned. That is what the Incarnate Eternal Logos said, not Michael Voris, not Church Militant but the Son of God: “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you have no life within you.”

And all the heretical Catholic and idiotic Protestant gibberish sidestepping this truth and distorting and mauling the words of Jesus Christ will not make this untrue. For such as these, the Resurrection is a historical fact, but that’s where it stops. Such faith is little else than “half faith.”

Despite the emotions or excitement of whatever over this fact, it avails them nothing because they do not accept the truth of how Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday are related. They cannot be saved who know (or should know) the truth of the Real Presence and yet walk away from it. How are they any different from all the followers of Christ at Capernaum?

Everyone likes the “easy Jesus,” the “comfortable Jesus,” the popular Jesus in movies and docuseries, because that Jesus makes no demands on their souls. Faith alone (thank you, Martin Luther) is meaningless if it is not acted on. The Eucharist is not just some nice thing. Some “crackers and wine in little cups” thing.

The entire heresy of Protestantism — and it is a heresy — is ultimately built around the rejection of Our Blessed Lord’s Real Presence in the Eucharist. The entire apparatus of its insufficient theology exists to countermand this divinely revealed truth and subsequent command by Our Savior.

The real joy of Easter is not that Our Lord burst forth from the tomb with more energy than all that’s produced on earth combined, according to the newest scientific data. The real joy is that the path of salvation and resurrection is now available to us. It is not guaranteed, not by a stretch of any kind. Let’s face it: God breaking the bonds of death is small potatoes for the all-powerful God.

Would He Who created from nothing somehow be trapped and defeated by death? Please.
But us being able to be with Him for eternity? That is the real joy of Easter. But He Himself made that potential contingent: no eating and drinking His Body and Blood — no life, no resurrection to glory.

The real joy is that the path of salvation and resurrection is now available to us.

Perhaps many people have not made this connection with the sinister lack of authentic teaching on the part of bad and cowardly bishops over these many decades, but truth is truth, regardless. This means that Catholics who do believe and do receive have a duty and obligation to tell this, to share it, to make sure as many people know as possible.

That Body that came out of the tomb, that Lamb of God, that Lamb God chose, must be consumed by the faithful just as the Passover lamb had to be consumed by the Jews. The Passover lamb and the eating of its flesh in order to escape the angel of death was a prefigurement of Christ the Lamb and the necessity of eating His flesh.

We go into all of this in great theological detail in our hour-long documentary called God’s Lamb, shot in the Holy Land. In that, we make all the connections between the Old Testament prefigurings of the Eucharist and the fulfillment of that in Christ. That documentary has already been viewed by thousands and is available to Premium subscribers.


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