Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Hope for the Future

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We have seen many parents switch their children from one school to another or even begin homeschooling because of corrupt school systems.

Here to tell us more is Church Militant’s Nick Wylie to discuss a constant concern of parents today.

In recent years, schools have unfortunately abandoned authentic instruction and become leftist breeding grounds. In tonight’s In-Depth Report, I dissect the true goal of education with a founder of a new college.

Tatiana Ibrahim: “My message to this district and the members of the board of ed: Stop indoctrinating our children.”

Many Americans have awoken to the corruption within the education system. But what many still don’t know is how large the gap is between modern schooling and proper cultivation of the mind.

Jacob Imam, cofounder, College of St. Joseph the Worker: “The goal of education is to free one’s soul to be able to see reality as it truly is and thus to enable him to love God more.”

John Dewey, the father of modern education and an atheist, had the exact opposite goal in mind. Dewey was an adherent of pragmatism — a philosophical school that taught a claim is only true insofar as it is useful. 

This belief has led to the university model of today.

Jacob Imam: “Our universities were designed to be production factories of people who will go off and build up the economy.”

Viewing education as just a tool for the economy is in stark contrast to what the goal of a university should be.

Jacob Imam: “The university is to cultivate disciples of Christ.”

Saint John exhorts us: “He who says he abides in Him ought to walk in the same way in which He walked” (1 John 2:6).

Jacob Imam: “We have tried to divorce the head from the hands. For Christ, it’s very interesting that He became a craftsman.”

Our Lord created the world and everything in it and then came down from Heaven and became an artisan, using the raw materials of earth to create a more perfect temporal world through human creativity.

In like manner, we are called to mirror God by contemplating the truth and letting it inspire us to create a world for human flourishing. 

Jacob Imam: “Everyone is called to sanctify the temporal order.”

The soon-to-open college of St. Joseph the Worker in Steubenville, Ohio will equip students for this calling with a unique approach. Learners will study the Catholic intellectual tradition while also learning a trade. 

Jacob Imam: “The daily walk of our students will be from their homes to the chapel, from the chapel to the classroom and from the classroom to the workshop.”

In addition to learning how to produce goods, students also will be taught to sell them. The college will seek to ingrain in students a spirit of holy entrepreneurship. They’ll learn to evaluate risks and make decisions in line with Catholic teaching.  

As the education system continues to push increasingly progressive and disordered ideas, Catholics must join in this stand to save young minds.

The College of St. Joseph the Worker is now accepting applications and is set to open in the fall of 2023.

To learn more, go to

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