In recent years, actor Mark Wahlberg made headlines in Catholic media for publicly declaring his faith and creating a movie about Montana priest Father Stuart Long.

Wahlberg also promoted vocations to the priesthood for the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors in Boston.

The actor, husband, and father of four regularly attends Mass and works with the Hallow App to promote daily prayer and Sunday worship.

Wahlberg again recently trended across social media. Users shared videos, including one in which Wahlberg publicly declares he worships Jesus.

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In 2022, ChurchPOP English editor Jacqueline Burkepile also interviewed Wahlberg prior to the “Father Stu” movie release. She asked him, “What is your favorite prayer?”

Here’s his answer:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

“The Our Father is the most important prayer if you want to ask God what to pray, you really only have to have the ‘Our Father,’ Wahlberg says.

“With that being said, I do spend a lot of time on my hands and knees expressing gratitude, as well as asking for guidance.”

“I just feel like, even when I’m thinking, I never feel like I am talking to myself. I always feel like my conscience and my train of thought is in direct communication with a higher power.”

Click here to watch the full interview.

Many celebrities have become more vocal about their Catholic faith in recent years.

Some of these celebrities include former Disney actor David Henrie, actor and television host Mario Lopez, and singer Gwen Stefani.

Retired actor Bug Hall also converted to the Catholic faith and often expresses his love for Our Lady of Sorrows and traditional Catholicism.

Even more recently, actor Shia LaBeouf converted to Catholicism while filming “Padre Pio.”

Let us pray more Hollywood celebrities will use their voice to evangelize the Catholic faith!

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