Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

How To Respond to Evil People in Power

In an ideal society, anyone who identifies as LGBT would be banned from high positions of power. But this is far from the case in the third millennium. Just about 50 years ago, homosexuals and transsexuals were deemed mentally ill and in need of help. But today, they’re a protected class who, according to the modern world, ought to be the leaders of society. As LGBT propagandists continue to gain a footing in the political world, men of goodwill need to stop assenting to the power they claim to have. 

LGBT politicians

Ana Brnabić, Xavier Bettel, Jens Spahn,

Pete Buttigieg and Grant Robertson

Last year, Texas Republicans collectively identified homosexuality as an “abnormal lifestyle choice” and also declared war on “all efforts to validate transgender identity.” If those Republicans take their convictions to the next logical conclusion, they’d be saying what all men of goodwill are thinking: A well-ordered and just society does not have LGBT politicians and leaders. 

However, there is more LGBT representation in politics (along with every other major institution) than at any time in history. All across America, laws are constantly being influenced by LGBT politicians. And these laws don’t just affect the adult population; many of them specifically target the youth. 

For example, there’s currently a debate going on in the Texas state House over whether or not minors should be allowed puberty blockers, hormone therapy or even “sex-change” medical procedures. Texas has nine lawmakers who are openly LGBT — all Democrats.

Just last month, Montana lawmaker Zooey Zephyr, a man who identifies as a woman, denounced a bill that would ban sex “reassignment” surgeries for minors, calling the potential ban “tantamount to torture.” And a little over a week ago, Minnesota democrats, led by Rep. Leigh Finke, a man whose preferred pronouns are “she/her,” tried to make pedophiles a protected class under state law. 

“If you are denying gender-affirming care and forcing a trans child to go through puberty, that is tantamount to torture, and this body should be ashamed.

If you vote yes on this bill, I hope the next time you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands.”

— Rep. Zooey Zephyr (@ZoAndBehold) April 18, 2023

The push to convert America into a gay-friendly and gender-confused nation is not just happening at the local and state level, it’s happening at the federal level as well. Joe Biden’s White House has appointed a record number of LGBT officials. A few examples are Pete Buttigieg, the first openly gay person confirmed to serve in a president’s cabinet; Karine Jean-Pierre, the first openly gay woman to serve as the White House press secretary; Ned Price, the first openly gay State Department spokesperson; Rachel (Richard) Levine, the first openly “transgender” person to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate for a federal position; and Sam Brinton, the first openly “genderfluid” person in the federal government. Brinton was recently fired from his position as a nuclear waste official after he was caught red-handed stealing luggage

Today, regardless of their specific job description, gay and “trans” politicians are really just activists. To a man, they act in their own self-interest, to further affirm their own disordered lifestyles. They don’t see anything wrong with their own life choices, and this is why they have no problem pushing it on children. 

In the 21st century, instead of helping mentally ill people come to grips with reality, society feeds the deluded to the point of elevating them to high levels of authority. This societal failure helps turn once vulnerable and confused individuals into political pawns at the service of Satan.

 This is why they have no problem pushing it on children.

American psychiatrist Dr. Scott Peck, who described evil as a kind of illness or disease, once said about the obligation to help evil people, “It is therefore not only for the sake of society but also for their own sakes that the attempt should be made to rescue the evil from their living hell.” 

As more and more LGBT activists continue to flood the American political system, questions arise in the minds of the faithful regarding how to respond. Should Christians do the same, becoming lawmakers themselves? Should they abandon the political world altogether as it’s turned into a godless and morally corrupt system? Should they begin building their own form of government, completely separate from the current one?



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Mic’d Up Report: American Christians Under Attack

One thing is certain: No individual is obliged to ever follow unreasonable and evil commands. As St. Augustine famously said that an unjust law is no law at all. But this is merely stating the obvious. 

Instead of simply not complying with an evil directive, Christians ought to have absolute contempt for those directives, for they hold zero weight. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that, simply put, these immoral “laws” have no authority or legitimacy: “A human law has the character of law to the extent that it accords with right reason. … Insofar as it falls short of right reason it is said to be an unjust law, and thus has not so much the nature of law as of a kind of violence.” The catechism continues, stating that “authority breaks down completely” when rulers “enact unjust laws or take measures contrary to the moral order.”

Mentally ill people, like LGBT politicians, should not be in positions of power.

Rulers enacting morally destructive laws should be looked at with nothing but pity, and their evil commands should not be viewed with lukewarm indifference. Rather, they should be viewed with pure contempt and disobedience. 

Mentally ill people, like LGBT politicians, should not be in positions of power. But they are, and more are coming. Thankfully, the ultimate authority for any man of goodwill is truth, for this is what directs all of his thoughts and actions.

— Campaign 31877 —