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Hunter Biden Returns


The New York Times is dining on a huge helping of crow after admitting Hunter Biden’s laptop saga was no hoax. Church Militant’s Kim Tisor has more on the recent Times article and what difference — if any — its admission makes.
Reporter: “The New York Times has authenticated emails that appear to have come from a laptop abandoned by Hunter Biden in Delaware.”

It took well over a year, but the New York Times is finally conceding Hunter Biden’s notorious laptop exists and contains incriminating information

The story, released Wednesday, reports prosecutors investigated emails linking Hunter and former business associates to Burisma Holdings, a corrupt Ukrainian energy company. The Times reveals it obtained the emails from what “appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. [Hunter] Biden in a Delaware repair shop.” 

Hunter Biden, president’s son: “There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me — could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was Russian intelligence.”

This is a far cry from what the Times previously reported.

Of course, writers buried the acknowledgment under paragraphs detailing how Hunter paid off back taxes as part of an ongoing criminal probe.

When news of Hunter’s laptop first broke ahead of the 2020 presidential election, mainstream media dismissed it as a Russian hoax designed to discredit Joe Biden, who is referred to in one of the emails as “the Big Guy” who would get a cut from a deal involving China. 

All of the scheming worked. The Media Research Center determined one in six Biden supporters would have voted differently had they known about such scandals. For Trump supporters, the truth surfacing now is a case of too little, too late.

The New York Post first broke the Hunter Biden laptop scandal Oct. 14, 2020. Not only did liberal media dismiss the story, but if you recall, Big Tech labeled it as disinformation. 

GOP Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas tweeted Thursday, “Big Tech’s censorship of this story was a disgrace.”