Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Illegal Alien Crisis Implicates Cdl. Timothy Dolan



As the ecclesiastical train wreck that is Pope Francis’ Synod on Synodality gets underway in Rome today, Church Militant will be bringing you every bit you need to know of the day’s events from our Rome correspondent Jules Gomes on the ground in the Eternal City, in our much-loved broadcast rome dispatch, hosted here in Detroit by our own Brad Eli.

We will be providing a link here in Vortex every day for the month of October to their discussion and breakdown of the synod. Jules is a highly respected international journalist who has broken multiple stories for Church Militant over the past number of years and enjoys the confidence of numerous sources in and around the Vatican.

Don’t miss a single episode of rome dispatch, a one-stop shopping for you each day on all the news from the synod, concise and straightforward. Just click on that provided link below after Vortex for the absolute latest from Rome.

Now for today — guess who is all of a sudden a champion of the southern border being regulated and the flow of millions and millions of illegals brought to an end? None other than New York City’s bumbling cardinal-archbishop, Timothy Dolan, whose clock is ticking on the end of his scandal-plagued reign in the Big Apple.

Guess who is all of a sudden a champion of the southern border being regulated?

Cardinal Laughapalooza is all of a sudden concerned that since Catholic governors Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida are shipping bus load after bus load of illegals out of their states, straight to the steps of the liberal cities whose leaders caused this chaos — that now a nation should have effective border policy.

Quoting the laughing cardinal from last week, “The Church has always been very supportive of the right of a nation to have borders and border security. … We don’t just want borders where anybody can come in.”

Oh really? Well, Dolan is right that this is the Church’s teaching, but here in America, where under those who are supposed to teach that teaching, the bishops, it has gone largely ignored and actually trampled on. Could it be because the bishops have made billions off the backs of U.S. taxpayers ignoring the teaching?


When the nation’s primary diocese, Baltimore, last week, late on a Friday afternoon so as to avoid as much press coverage as possible, became almost the third-dozenth diocese to declare bankruptcy in the face of homosexual-clergy sex abuse lawsuits, it became astoundingly clear that money is the driving factor for these men.

Billions of your dollars have been paid out to church attorneys in an effort to thwart victims being compensated. Parishes have been closed, property sold off, and yet, the big cash cow — U.S. tax dollars flowing to the bishops for their immoral role in illegal immigration — remains largely under the radar when it comes to most Catholics understanding the connection.

The billions in collection-plate dollars and church holdings they have paid out in legal costs have been largely offset by U.S. tax dollars.

By the way, a shout out to Baltimore archbishop William Lori for trying to hide the news of his declaring bankruptcy by issuing the release at a minute to 5 on a Friday. Did you really think no one would notice, Archbishop? Really?

Lori has been a snake of an operator in the hierarchy for nearly his entire career. He plays dumb but is as crafty as they come. There’s hardly a scandal in the Church he isn’t intimately connected with.

Someone needs to tell Abbot and DeSantis to save a little on gas money and drop off a few million illegals in Baltimore, so Lori could have a sudden policy change as well. That would make Cdl. Timothy “Not in My Backyard” Dolan happy.

It’s funny, you know, all these immigration lovers — Obama, Hillary, Eric Adams (in fact, the entire Democratic communist party establishment) — are all good with invisible, nonexistent borders, until it affects them.

I mean, you can almost picture Dolan standing on the front steps of St. Patrick’s on Fifth Avenue bellowing, “Not in my cathedral!”

Dolan has less than two years to go: He hands in his resignation on his 75th birthday, Feb. 6, 2025, less than 16 months away. He came to New York with a reputation of being a strong, orthodox bishop. That was all a facade. Like so many of the rest of the hierarchy, he presented whatever face he thought he needed to climb the ladder.

He fought behind the scenes like crazy to get gays in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in a Faustian deal with then-governor Andrew Cuomo to get funding for New York Catholic schools from state lawmakers.

You wonder, do any of these men actually have a drop of remorse?

The deal blew up in his face. The schools are closing and the gays are marching. And millions of illegals continue to pour across the border, with Dolan only now expressing concern.

Communism has complete and total control over the Democratic Party. Part of that control was achieved through their use and manipulation of the U.S. bishops, playing on their greed.

You wonder, do any of these men, as they reach their end, actually have a drop of remorse for what they have done to bring about the collapse of the republic?

Within three years, almost all of these men will be gone from office. Vigneron, in Detroit, is done this month; Cupich, in Chicago, in five months; Dolan, in 16 months; Lori, in 30 months.

They weren’t content with helping undermine the Church; they helped engineer the collapse of the republic as well.

That’s one helluva track record, fellas. Wow.