Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

In address to Catholic family federation, Pope decries pornography, surrogacy (Vatican News)

In a June 10 address to the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe, Pope Francis spoke of “the urgent need to develop family networks for the future of Europe and the universal Church.”

“States have the task of removing obstacles to the growth of families and of recognizing that the family constitutes a common good to be rewarded, with natural positive consequences for all,” the Pope said, as he decried surrogacy and pornography.

“The scourge of pornography, now spread everywhere via the Web, must be denounced as a permanent attack on the dignity of men and women. It is not only a matter of protecting children-the urgent task of the authorities and all of us-but also of declaring pornography as a threat to public health,” the Pontiff said. “It would be a serious illusion to think that a society in which abnormal consumption of sex on the internet is rampant among adults is then capable of effectively protecting minors.”