Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Is It Only Wicked Men With No Willpower?


There is a gigantic clash of foundational philosophies going on in America right now, and the one that wins will dictate the course of history and the fate of the nation.

Everything that is being shoved in front of us daily in media and entertainment and sports and commerce is from the side promoting atheism — what we lovingly term “the Left” or “Marxists” but is really properly termed “the demonic.” They do have the microphone, no doubt.

But there are quiet but nonetheless equally (if not more) determined efforts playing out to battle them in what has turned into really a kind of last stand — the legal system.

Brian Festa is a Catholic attorney who co-founded the organization We The Patriots precisely to battle against the forces of godlessness in the culture.

One victim of the New World Order establishment We The Patriots was able to help (among many) was Teryn Gregson, who was fired by the PGA as a sports reporter for refusing to go along with the mandates.

Men have surrendered their God-given roles.

Brian encounters examples like this every day — the New World Order steamrolling over everything in its path, from churches and their schools being “inspected” by the State and ordered to expel children who don’t have their health records up to date, to cases like Teryn’s.

In another case, a Catholic teacher in Oakland, California, was ordered to start using a child’s preferred pronouns or she’d be fired. She refused and reached out to Brian and We The Patriots, and the school backed down.

The courts have become the last refuge, as Church Militant itself is well aware in some of our cases, when basic rights are being trampled by much more powerful forces.

The feminization of the men in the culture stemming from the sexual revolution and women’s lib movement of the 1960s has created the perfect storm for institutional invasion and collapse, which many on the Right increasingly agree is almost inevitable.

It must be fought back against ferociously, on all levels in every arena if there is to be any hope of survival, or dare we say it, even some kind of restoration. You will notice that much of the fight is being led not by men, but by women — women like Teryn Gregson, who is pointing to men and saying step up.

This is a perfect segue into us reminding you that Church Militant’s Strength and Honor Conference for Men (we do it every summer here in Detroit) is this upcoming Aug. 4–6, Friday through Sunday, and is specifically dedicated to energizing men to get into the fight, in the Church and in the culture. It’s a call to arms, to shore up and defend what we have left and begin some kind of counteroffensive against the onslaught.

Please sign up for that today by just clicking on the provided link.

That men even have to be appealed to, and should I say it, challenged by women to fulfill their role of protector — well, how low have we have descended?

Come to Detroit this August (first weekend) for our annual men’s conference, Strength and Honor.

It’s all collapsing and it’s because men have not done what they need to do; they have surrendered their God-given roles.