Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Leading prelate discusses challenges facing Church in Japan (Fides)

Archbishop Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi, SVD, of Tokyo—president of Caritas Internationalis, secretary general of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences, and president of the Japanese Bishops Conference—discussed the situation of the Church in Japan on the eve of the Japanese bishops’ ad limina visit to Rome.

“Throughout the life of the human being, at every stage, there are issues around protecting life, protecting dignity, which is really neglected in Japan,” he said. “The traditional family system is disappearing. Single parents are caring for kids, or children are neglected—all kinds of problems exist related to human dignity. These are big problems to discuss with the Holy Father.”

The prelate said that the phenomenon of Philippine Catholic women marrying Japanese farmers is a sign of missionary hope.

The nation of 123.7 million—the 11th most populous in the world—is 56% Buddhist, 26% new religionist, 2% Shinto, and 2% Christian.