Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Leftist Rag Pokes Mama Grizzly

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A devout Catholic mother fighting homosexuality and pedophilia in public schools seems to be scaring the Left. She recently appeared before the Fairfax County Public Schools Board, or FCPS, to denounce the LGBT agenda foisted on kids as young as 12.

Church Militant’s William Mahoney talks to Mama Grizzly about the latest mainstream hit piece against conservatives.

Stacy Langton (“Mama Grizzly”): “I’m asking people who have an implicit bias against my position to do the right thing.”

Stacy Langton recently appeared in a Washington Post article titled “Teachers Who Mention Sexuality Are ‘Grooming’ Kids, Conservatives Say.”

The piece offers a biased presentation of growing pushback against the nationwide indoctrination of public school kids into everything LGBT.

Langton spoke again on March 24 before the FCPS board.

Langton: “OK, groomers, I looked at your campaign pages.”

The Washington Post made sure to misrepresent her, claiming Langton had no evidence regarding an openly gay member of the board, Karl Frisch, admiring pedophilia.

Langton: “Well, that’s not true. I did provide the evidence at the school board meeting. I printed out a picture of the photo from Karl’s campaign page, and I brought it with me, and I showed it at the podium.”

That picture, which appears on Frisch’s official blue-checked Facebook campaign page, shows him with his homosexual partner standing in front of the Mattachine Steps, where Harry Hay founded the Mattachine Society in 1950.

Harry Hay, founder, Mattachine Society: “We had learned a lot by this time from the progressive movements that all we needed to do was to create a facade, and then behind the facade we could organize, which is what the Mattachine Foundation became. It became that facade.”

A friend of Harry Hay’s offered a reflection in 2003 on the website of NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association.

David Thorstad: “I was introduced to [Harry] and his lovely (I almost said saintly) companion, John Burnside — a lovable gay man if ever there was one — by lesbian activist, self-professed witch and sometime weed partner Katherine Davenport.”

Hay traveled the country giving talks on homosexual pederasty, and had another interest he incorporated into his Mattachine Society.

Langton: “He was a Communist Party member. He joined the Communist Party, I believe, in the early ’40s, and he founded a Communist Party offshoot, in 1950, called the Mattachine Society.”

Hay’s NAMBLA buddy confirmed this, saying: “I knew about Harry’s past as a communist and labor activist.”

Another clear indicator of The Washington Post’s slant is from how the photographer staged the photo of Langton at her home.

Langton: “When I’m sitting in the chair having the picture taken, I’m not going to sit there and argue with the photographer and tell him how to do his job; I don’t know what he’s doing. Apparently it [the light box] was flashing behind my head, right, because it created all those shadows.”

A professional videographer compared the Washington Post picture with a picture Langton took of the same room, telling Church Militant, “The photographer clearly put an upward shining light on the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, creating harsh shadows, like using a flashlight under your face when telling a scary story around a campfire.”

Another journalist saw the picture and told Langton The Washington Post is afraid of her.

Langton: “The person they should really be afraid of is who’s behind me in the picture. She’s the Terror of Demons.”

The Washington Post inadvertently shined the light on Our Lady standing on a crescent moon, a symbol of the false Aztec god Coyolxāuhqui. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pregnant with Our Lord, shows His enemies have become a footstool.

The Washington Post has endorsed only Democrat presidents since 1976.

In March of 2021, the newspaper was forced to admit it misquoted President Trump in its Georgia election story. The leftist rag blamed the misquote on its anonymous source.

— Campaign 32075 —