Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Listen and act with concern, as Christ did, Pope tells pilgrims (Vatican Press Office)

During his Angelus address on February 11, Pope Francis reflected on the healing of the leper, recounted in Mark 1:40-45, the Gospel reading of the day.

Christ “speaks little and His words are followed promptly by actions: He bows, takes by the hand, and heals,” the Pope told pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

The Pope continued, “Let us ask ourselves today: do I know how to listen to people, am I ready to meet their requests? Or do I make excuses, procrastinate, hide behind abstract or useless words? In real terms, when was the last time I went to visit someone who was alone or sick—everyone can answer in their heart—or when was the last time I changed my plans to meet the needs of someone who asked me for help?”

“May Mary, solicitous in care, help us to be ready and tangible in love,” Pope Francis concluded.