Order. Discipline. Brotherhood. Greatness.

Madame President


Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present to you the Marxists’ leading candidate for the next president of the United States: Michelle Obama.

That’s the conclusion of this Vortex, so let’s walk you through the steps to reach that conclusion. First, Joe — a complete flop, loser, washed up, done with. This National Review headline from Wednesday just about says it all: “Joe Biden’s Latest Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Polling.” 

The article’s clincher says it all: “57% say that the actions of the federal government over the past six months have hurt their family when it comes to their most important concern.” The National Review continued, “When it’s four months to Election Day and 57% of the voters say that your current and recent policies are making things personally worse for them on their most important issue, you are not in a good place.”

There’s absolutely no need to go into any of the details in this article because there isn’t an American breathing who doesn’t know that this man is done. At this point, it’s unsurprising to learn that many Democrats feel the same way.

Among those not wanting Joe to run again are potential Democratic opponents. Hillary Clinton, of course, is beginning to do a light jig around Biden’s grave, and she’s not alone. Also stepping up, smelling blood in the water, is California’s phony-Catholic governor Gavin Newsom as well as Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker.

While this trio is being a bit more audacious, there is one who is hanging back, being much more sneaky and quiet, and that is Michelle Obama. Yes, the rumor machine was in full swing in 2020 about Michelle jumping, which she never did.

There is one who is hanging back, being much more sneaky and quiet, and that is Michelle Obama.

But Biden was not a dismal Democratic president in 2020. This time around, with an appetite among a significant portion of Democrats to dump Biden after the midterms, an opening has, well, opened up.

Look at these numbers from Zogby from last month.

Among Democrats, whom this poll is sampling, less than half of voters — just 41% — would support Biden against a spate of other big-name Democrats.

And look who is in second place. Yep, there she is: Michelle Obama. Now, if Biden dies or the desperate Dems can persuade him to either resign, or at least not run, then look who zooms to the top of the Democratic wish list.

Leading the pack is Michelle Obama at 21%, even beating out current vice president Kamala Harris.

Of course, it’s still early. The midterms haven’t even happened yet, and many Democratic candidates will be watching those results very closely and weighing their chances against those outcomes. But there is a big difference between 2020 and 2024.

First, a surprisingly large number of voters also say Trump should not run again either: 61%. While it’s not as many as those giving the thumbs down to Biden (71%), 61% is not nothing. And, there’s another huge point in Michelle’s favor compared to other would-be Dem hopefuls: They have a track record and she does not.

She gets to run on the “Obama myth.” They have to give an account to the whole country of their tyrannical COVID actions and full, wide-ranging embrace of abortion. In fact, the likes of Newsom and Pritzker are flirting with running precisely because they think — and have said — Biden is too weak and too compromising in the face of Republicans.

That will play well with the purple-haired freaks waving coat hangers in the streets, but most of America has no stomach for that insanity. Newsom and Pritzker have made their states abortion sanctuaries, backed CRT and are all-in for drag-queen-story childhood-perversion stuff, the very stuff that Americans rebelled against in every special election since 2020.

All of that social madness is part of the fabric of Democratic Party preaching that has brought America to its knees. They are huge supporters of the phony man-made climate change narrative (the so-called Green New Deal) and all the economy-crushing consequences that come with it.

The social madness is part of the fabric of Democratic Party preaching that has brought America to its knees.

So imagine a Democratic primary where that crowd, including Hillary, has to defend those records against candidate Michelle who gets to sit back and thread the needle, appearing to be the most “reasonable” and, wait for it, “moderate.” She hasn’t even really opened her mouth yet and is in the lead, compared to all of them. 

Overcoming the “Michelle myth” would be a huge uphill fight for the politically and spiritually orthodox, a fight that too few are prepared for, frankly.

The specter of Madame President Michelle Obama (and all that comes with it) is a very real possibility. With her seeming nonchalance, above-it-all indifference and “moderate” stance, she would be formidable as a candidate, just as her husband was. There was, as we know now (and many of us knew back then), nothing moderate about Barack. In fact, the Biden social-engineering program is largely credited to Obama, behind the scenes.

Back during campaign 2020, Church Militant said a Biden administration would be nothing else other than Obama 2.0. And, unfortunately, we were right.

The Democrats are controlled by demons. They hate life, families and especially children, who represent innocence, hope and the future.

While the overturning of Roe appears to have not been the magic elixir to turn back an expected red wave the Dems had hoped it would be across the country, it has energized the base, the freaks and the media. And that means more enthusiasm at the local level by the radicals.

That must be countered by the good guys, those who say they hate all this anti-American, anti-God, anti-religion, anti-family politics. But there is a huge difference between the Marxists and the patriots. They are well-organized. We are not.

It’s the entire reason Church Militant is organizing our Call to Action Convention for late August, here in Detroit — to help train you in how to fight back and repel these kinds of forces. If you think sitting at home and clicking online petitions is the formula, then, frankly, you don’t get it.

The Marxists are well-trained and enthused. They may be small in number, but that has never deterred them. They have the kind of desire and commitment that we so frequently find lacking among the faithful. Part of that is owing to the fear among those on the right that they don’t know how to fight or what to do.

Come to Detroit in August and we will show you.

Just click on the provided link and we’ll see you in Motown.


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