Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Make a daily examination of conscience, Pope advises pilgrims (Vatican News)

In his April 23 Regina Caeli address, Pope Francis reflected on Luke 24:13-35, the Gospel reading of the Third Sunday of Easter.

“Today’s Gospel invites us to tell Jesus everything, sincerely, without being afraid of disturbing him: he listens; without fear of saying the wrong thing, without shame at our struggle to understand,” the Pope told pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square. “There is a good way of doing this, and today I would like to propose it to you: it consists of dedicating some time, every evening, to a brief examination of conscience.“

“May Mary, wise Virgin, help us to recognize Jesus who walks with us and to reread—the word: re-read—every day of our life in front of him,” Pope Francis concluded.