Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Mama Grizzly at CPAC

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Conservative author and speaker Candace Owens recently led a panel discussion at CPAC on the Left’s relentless attack on America’s children. The participants talked about everything from so-called transgenderism to critical race theory being pushed in public schools nationwide.

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s William Mahoney looks at the porn-in-schools war with one of the panelists.

Stacy Langton: “Never doubt for a second that your local action can have national impact.”

Stacy Langton joined a panel Friday with U.S. representatives Ted Budd, R-N.C., and Mary Miller, R-Ill., as well as Fox and National Review contributor Deroy Murdock.

One commenter in the live chat griped about Langton’s efforts to rid Fairfax County Public Schools of perverted books like Gender Queer and Lawn Boy, which are available to children as young as 12.

Chat participant: “So why is she blocking the freedom of others to read the book? If she doesn’t want her son to read it, that’s up to her. Others should be allowed to. So she’s literally blocking my freedom.”

Stacy Langton: “I’m not blocking anybody’s freedom. Everyone was given free will to follow God’s laws or not. And if you’re an adult over the age of 18 and you want to go out and buy a copy of Gender Queer, you’re free to do that.”

Langton founded Mama Grizzly to combat the Left’s efforts to corrupt children. Mama Grizzly is currently working on what it calls Operation Tipper 2.0.

Stacy Langton:

We have a rating system on video games and television network shows, and we have it also on music albums because of what Tipper Gore did in the 1980s — that was her battle against pornography in the music industry. … We need the same thing for sexually explicit material — to warn parents that this is not suitable for minors, whatever might be in the pages of this book. … I thought of the acronym PAW, which stands for Parental Advisory Warning.

It is the primary right and responsibility of parents to educate their children. That includes helping them to form their consciences properly. 

Operation Tipper 2.0 is an effort to ensure parents are aware of the material school boards and librarians have been slipping in under the radar.

During the panel discussion, Murdock referred to the Left’s onslaught as “child abuse” while congresswoman Miller explained what’s at the heart of this war for children’s hearts and minds.

Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill.: “The problem is that we kicked God out of our schools.”

In line with the Church’s teaching on subsidiarity — that is, what small societies can do, larger societies should not take over, Owens asserted the federal Department of Education does not need to be shrunk; it needs to be abolished.

For more information on Mama Grizzly, visit

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