Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

‘May those with a stake in conflicts heed their consciences’: year-end papal call for peace (Vatican News)

At the conclusion of his December 31 Sunday Angelus address, Pope Francis prayed for the victims of war and called for peace.

“Let us continue to pray for the people who are suffering because of war: the beleaguered people of Ukraine, the people of Palestine and Israel, the people of Sudan and many others,” the Pope said. “At the end of a year, let us have the courage to ask ourselves: How many human lives have been broken by armed conflict? How many dead? And how much destruction, suffering, poverty?”

“May those who have interests in these conflicts listen to the voice of their conscience,” he added. “And let us not forget the suffering Rohingya!” (The Rohingya are a predominantly Muslim people that have suffered much repression in Myanmar.)