Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

May we learn to feed Christ’s sheep, Anglican primate says to heads of other Christian churches (Archbishop of Canterbury)

Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, the head of the Church of England, said in an ecumenical Easter letter to the heads of other Christian churches that “we have, time and again, turned bread into stones, wine into bitter gall, fire into torture and death.”

“We have, over the centuries, turned on each other,” he continued. “We have neglected, ignored and persecuted in the name of love.”

After lamenting suffering in Gaza, Armenia, and Ukraine, the Anglican primate said that “we cannot allow despair to poison our outlook on the world. It is a time of terrible conflict and danger, but our faith is in Christ the peacemaker and reconciler.”

“This Easter, I pray that you will be strengthened in your faith, and blessed in your ministry, and that together we may learn this coming year what it means to feed Christ’s sheep,” he concluded.