Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Meditate on Jesus’ ‘transformative words of love’ every day: papal Regina Caeli address (Vatican Press Office)

During his Regina Caeli address on Pentecost Sunday, Pope Francis encouraged pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square to meditate on the words of the Gospel daily and to pray to God in silent adoration.

The “words that the Father and the Son say to each other” are “precisely the transformative words of love, which the Holy Spirit repeats in us, and which it is good for us to listen to, because these words engender and make grow the same sentiments and the same intentions in our heart: they are fruitful words,” the Pope said, as he reflected on John 16:13.

“This is why it is important that we nourish ourselves every day with the words of God, the words of Jesus, inspired by the Spirit,” he continued. “The Word of God silences our superficial chatter and makes us say serious words, beautiful words, joyful words.”

“Dear sisters and brothers, reading and meditating on the Gospel, praying in silence, saying good words: they are not difficult things, no, we can all do them,” he added. “May Mary, present at Pentecost with the Apostles, make us docile to the voice of the Holy Spirit.”