Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Meet Trevor Williams, the MLB Pitcher Who Loves Adoration & The Rosary

Trevor Williams, a Major League Baseball pitcher for the Washington Nationals, shared his passion for his Catholic faith with the Arlington Catholic Herald.

The 31-year-old husband and father of two says he does “not shy away” from sharing his faith with the world. He explains that it’s a “tremendous witness to the world when you can share your faith and when God provides you opportunities.”

“I fell in love with the game of baseball through my dad 100 percent,” he told the Arlington Catholic Herald. “I just always had this love for the game.

“It wasn’t until I got to youth ministry in high school that I had some rock solid mentors that really challenged me with my faith to go deeper and to make it the most important thing in [my] life,” he said.

Williams explains that he has a strong devotion to St. Joseph, because he “needs help as a husband and father.”

He also loves going to adoration as often as possible, ideally spending “a whole hour with Our Lord.” During this hour, he enjoys praying the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and sitting in silent prayer.

Williams adds that if he cannot pray a holy hour, “a holy five minutes is better than a holy zero.”

Williams also prays “Jesus I trust in you” just before pitching.

“Baseball is important, but it’s not the most important thing in the world. Don’t see me as Trevor the baseball player. I’m Trevor the Catholic man that wants to build up heaven.”

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

Williams began his MLB career pitching for the Pittsburg Pirates. ChurchPOP editor Jacqueline Burkepile interviewed him in 2019, where he also shared his passion for the Catholic faith.

He grew in faith not only in high school youth ministry, but as a participant in FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students’) bible studies in college.

Here’s the interview:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

On his Instagram page, Williams often shares bible verses, days on the liturgical calendar, or Catholic mottos, such as “memento mori.”

Recently, however, the pitcher spoke out against the Dodgers’ award to the anti-Catholic LGBTQ+ drag queen group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

Here’s his response below:

Williams said that “as a devout Catholic,” the Dodgers decision to re-invite the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence “deeply troubles” him.

“Creating an environment in which one group feels celebrated at the expense of another is counter productive and wrong. It is a clear violation of the Dodgers’ Discrimination Policy, which explicitly states that any conduct or attire at the ballpark that is deemed to be indecent or prejudice against any particular group (or religion) is not tolerated.”

He then asked the Dodgers to reconsider the decision, and encouraged Catholics to “reconsider their support of an organization that allows this type of mockery of its fans to occur.”

“As Catholics, we look to Jesus Christ and the way He was treated and we realize that any suffering in this world unites us to Him in the next.”

What do you think of Trevor Williams’ testimony of faith?