Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Missing the Big Picture


I’m Michael Voris, coming to you from the Supreme Court, where, based on various pro-lifers Church Militant has spoken to, it’s clear that the big picture is being missed.

A number of years ago at the March for Life, Church Militant did an informal survey of dozens of attendees and found that around 10% were okay with homosexual relationships and about one-third thought contraception was acceptable.

Frankly, we were more than stunned and realized right there and then that a philosophical cancer had already begun to metastasize within the pro-life movement. The heart of that error is the abject failure to make the connection between abortion and sexual immoralities like homosexuality, contraception, fornication and so forth.

There is no such thing as a culture that accepts contraception but rejects abortion.

Through a constant stream of brainwashing and propaganda through movies, entertainment icons and so forth, the Marxists have planted time bombs that, if they are not defused quickly, threaten to undo all that was achieved last Friday in the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

As long as a person accepts contraception and living together and the homosexual culture and all that accompanies it, abortion will always be lurking about the periphery, ready to burst back onto the scene.

The leadership of the pro-life movement has failed in a dramatic fashion to make the connection in the minds of young people that contraception — as well as the rest of the mainstays of the sexual revolution — are all tightly bound up with abortion.

It truly is an all-or-nothing proposition. There is no such thing as a culture that accepts contraception but rejects abortion. The same with the whole homosexual scene. It is why there is always such a strong presence of homosexuals and “pride” garbage at abortion marches and demonstrations.

On the surface, it would appear sexual activity that by definition cannot be procreative would be totally indifferent to the question of abortion. Homosexuals can’t get pregnant, so why are they so vocal about all this? Because it’s never really been about procreation or even abortion itself.

It’s been about sexual license, and on that score, the goal has always been to create a sexually permissive society, not just one that embraces abortion. The Left understands far better than the so-called conservatives that sexual license is what’s driving the bus — not just abortion.

The Marxist Left understands the close interrelationship of all these in terms of how they are all bound up with each other, and when any of them are attacked, they rush to their defense. It is also why the pro-abortion camp is so protective of so-called homosexual rights. They get it. They all get it. They understand the codependency they each have on the other.

Sexual immorality of any kind is the tie that binds them all, a tie that, for the most part, the children and naive leaders of the pro-life movement have yet to either understand or have no desire to confront because of theological differences among the ranks.

Every Protestant religion accepts contraception; many are fine with cohabitation; too many are, at the very least, indifferent to homosexuality. Even among Catholics, including many of the clergy, the same is true.

This is the tragedy of the young pro-life generation, even those who are Catholics. They have been “protestantized” in their views of sexual immorality. Too many pro-life leaders have been afraid to lay out the whole truth to these young folks. They’ve been afraid for the same reason the Church of Nice crowd is always afraid — they never want to give offense. They never want to jeopardize the fragile political coalitions they’ve formed.

The truth cannot accommodate compromise with untruth or ignorance or fear.

As a result, while they’ve been fighting to ensure the next generation can be physically born, they’ve contributed, by their silence, to a world where spiritual malformation is all but guaranteed. Strong, bold and faithful Catholics need to step up and assume the mantle of leadership of the pro-life movement because that’s not the case right now.

As the original leaders — solid Catholics like Nellie Gray and Joe Scheidler — have begun passing from the scene, a more squishy crowd has assumed leadership. Certainly, not all are squishy, but even one is too many. 

The truth cannot accommodate compromise with untruth or ignorance or fear. The Left completely gets that point. The pro-life movement has a lot of catching up to do, and it had better catch up fast.