Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

More Americans Identify as ‘LGBTQ+’

The number of people who self-identify as “LGBTQ+” is growing rapidly among Generation Z adults, according to a recent poll.

A newly released Gallup poll analyzing 2021 data reveals just over 7% of adults now identify with one of the sexually disordered proclivities signified by the ambiguous alphabet-soup acronym. This is more than double the number of a 2012 Gallup poll. The survey was comprised of interviews with 12,000 U.S. adults.

The poll divides the population into five segments by age: (1) Traditionalists (born before 1946), (2) Baby Boomers (born 1946–1954), (3) Generation X (born 1965–1980), (4) Millennials (born 1981–1996) and (5) Generation Z (born 1997–2003).

Most of the population segments remained nearly static from 2012 in embracing “alternate” lifestyles. But the last four years have seen a considerable uptick in members of Gen Z who identify as LGBTQ. In just the last four years, the number of Gen Zers identifying as non-heterosexual persons virtually doubled — from nearly 11% in 2017 to 21% in 2021.

Gallup poll showing the increase in LGBTQ identification

The rainbow-spectrum category with the highest percentage of self-proclaimed members is that of “bisexual.” Of those who claim the “LGBTQ+” title, 57% identify as bisexual, meaning they’re sexually attracted to both sexes. A staggering 15% of Gen. Z adults now purport to be bisexual, compared with 6% of Millennials and less than 2% of Generation Xers. As for Baby Boomers and Traditionalists, only 1% admit to bisexuality. Women are three times more likely than men to identify as bisexual.

What is causing the marked increase in sexual confusion, especially among Generation Z? There are many possible factors, not the least of which is a loss of religious faith. Losing sight of God means losing an understanding of ourselves. There are, however, other factors.

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It’s notable the same study showed that between 2020 and 2021, there was an unusual spike in young adults identifying with sexual deviance. This corresponds to the time people were locked down at home due to the COVID pandemic, with ample time to explore topics of sexuality on the internet. Needless to say, much of what is written and shown on the net is skewed and perverted.

 Losing sight of God means losing an understanding of ourselves.

Further, sexual ideology has become more and more prevalent in the formation of young people. One cannot ignore the power of the pornography explosion that electronic media has brought about. Since the 1990s, when the internet became part of the lives of most Americans, hardcore pornography has been easily accessible and highly addictive. In generations past, lonely men had to drive to a red-light district, walk into an X-rated store or theater and pay for illicit sexual material. But today, they are just two or three clicks away from viewing full-screen pornography in the privacy of their own homes. This has had great detrimental effects on marriage and relationships between the sexes.

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Depending on the statistics one reads, anywhere from 70% to 80% of men view pornography regularly (several times a month), as do 20% to 30% of women. It may be no coincidence that bisexuality has skyrocketed among Gen Z women at a time when “lesbian porn” is a top category of pornographic consumption. The powerful effects these images have on the brain have been well-documented.

Sexual confusion and deviancy are growing in the Western world.

Political observers claim sexual deviancy, which includes so-called transgenderism, is a fundamental tool of the leftist elite, primarily to keep the masses addicted and the population size down. Before the secular humanist onslaught permeated all American institutions, and for countless generations, premarital sex was deemed socially unacceptable, while sex, marriage and family were honored as sacred. The sexual revolution, born out of the contraception pill, changed all that, and the slippery slope of deviancy and confusion has been snowballing now for decades.

Woman holding daily birth control pills

Another thing to consider is what people have been physically ingesting for several decades. Chemicals from plastics, psychiatric drugs and birth control pills have had their effects on consumers and the environment. These hormones and chemicals have permeated water supplies. More specifically, a 2015 U.S. geological study found hormones from contraceptive pills excreted by women had impacted fish fertility — for up to three generations. The flushing of these chemicals into waterways that eventually end up in drinking water is raising serious questions about their effects on human sexuality.

Last, and most importantly, the further people stray from God in their personal and public lives, the more difficult it is to control their chaotic natures wounded by sin. Integrity has been lost with Adam; and our passions, emotions and desires are no longer easily ruled by reason. 

Sexual confusion and deviancy are growing in the Western world, as this latest Gallup poll indicates, and it may be the greatest challenge to civilization the world has known. However, in what may be called the “post-Christian era,” this shouldn’t be surprising. Whether we turn back to God in time to save Western civilization from the slippery slope of spiritual and physical death is a question that remains.

— Campaign 31877 —