Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Most Americans favor some abortion restrictions, new poll shows (Knights of Columbus)

Most Americans favor some restrictions on abortion, according to a new Marist poll sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.

Although 58% of the respondents described themselves as “pro-choice”—as against 40% “pro-life”—two-thirds said there should be some legal restrictions on abortion, and when questioned about specific restrictions, the same 58% figure supported either a total ban or a ban on abortion after the third month of pregnancy. However the poll showed erosion of pro-life sentiment, since in 2009 there was an overwhelming 86% support for the same restrictions.

The poll showed a sharp political divide on the issue, with 82% of Democrats saying that they were “pro-choice,” while 70% of Republicans were “pro-life.”

A solid 86% of the respondents opposed abortion based on the sex of the baby, but only 58% opposed abortion to eliminate a Down Syndrome child.