Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Myanmar nun included in BBC’s ‘100 Women of 2021’ (BBC)

Sister Ann Rose Nu Tawng “became a symbol of Myanmar’s protests following the military takeover when she knelt in front of police to save protesters taking shelter in her church,” BBC reported.

“The photo of her with her arms spread wide facing heavily armed police officers went viral on social media in March 2021, and won her widespread praise,” BBC continued in its tribute. “Sister Ann Rose Nu Tawng has openly spoken of protecting civilians, especially children. She has trained as a midwife and has led a life of service for the past 20 years, recently looking after Covid patients in Myanmar’s Kachin state.”

During his March 17 general audience, Pope Francis referred to the nun’s action as he said, “I too kneel on the streets of Myanmar and say: stop the violence. I too extend my arms and say: let dialogue prevail!”