Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Nevada Babies in Mortal Danger

CARSON CITY, Nev. ( – Pro-abortion zealots in Nevada want to add a question about abortion access to the state’s 2024 ballot. 

The coalition of pro-abortionists, which consists of Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice Nevada and the ACLU of Nevada, filed a petition with the secretary of state’s office to secure a ballot question on enshrining abortion in Nevada’s Constitution. 

The pro-abortion syndicate must receive 103,000 signatures from registered voters by June 26 for the question to be included on the November 2024 ballot. 

If the question appears on the ballot and a simple majority vote in favor of enshrining abortion in Nevada’s Constitution, then the question will need to appear again on the 2026 ballot. This is due to the state’s requirement that such questions regarding changes to Nevada’s Constitution must pass twice.

The Proposed Amendment

Nevada law currently permits the termination of a child in utero up to 24 weeks of development, which means the mother is roughly six months into the pregnancy. In other words, the child is closer to his actual birth than to his conception. 

But the pro-abortion coalition wants more. The abortion lobby wants the state’s Constitution to protect elective abortions based on fetal viability as determined by abortionists. This according to NBC News, with which the pro-abortion syndicate shared a statement.

The proposed language for the amendment prohibits penalizing or prosecuting individuals or health care providers based on pregnancy outcomes or committing abortions with voluntary consent.

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In the statement, the group proposes the state “may not penalize, prosecute, or take adverse action against any individual based on the outcome of a pregnancy of the individual, or against any licensed health care provider who acts consistent with the applicable scope and practice of providing reproductive health care services to an individual who has granted their voluntary consent.”

The abortion lobby wants the state’s constitution to protect elective abortions.

“Neither may the State penalize, prosecute, or take adverse action against any individual or entity for aiding or assisting another individual in the exercise of the rights established by this initiative,” the statement for the proposed verbiage adds.

Following Democratic Suit

The pro-abortion syndicate’s push for enshrining abortion in Nevada’s Constitution comes on the heels of a joint resolution introduced by a Democrat in the state’s legislature.

Nevada Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro introduced the resolution on Thursday, March 16, of this year. The resolution reads much like the proposed language offered by the pro-abortion coalition:

Article 1 of the Nevada Constitution sets forth certain inalienable rights of an individual. (Nev. Const. Art. 1) This joint resolution proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution by adding a new section to Article 1 which:

(1) guarantees each individual in this State a fundamental right to reproductive freedom;

(2) authorizes the State to regulate abortion care after fetal viability with certain exceptions; and

(3) prevents the State from penalizing, prosecuting or taking any other adverse action against an individual or entity for exercising the right to reproductive freedom or for aiding or assisting another individual in exercising his or her right to reproductive freedom.

Negative Social Media Response

As of press time, reactions to the CBS News story about the pro-abortion syndicate’s latest push received 16 replies, all of which were either irrelevant to the story or negative. 

One commentator responded, “Why are they referred to as Reproductive rights advocates? They are abortion advocates. Advocates of death.” 

Another commentator wrote, “‘Reproductive rights advocates’ is such Orwellian doublespeak.”

And another stated, “Murdering innocent babies is not a right.”

— Campaign 31877 —