Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Only One Truth


In these tumultuous times, it’s really important for the faithful to recall first principles:

There is a God
That God is a Trinity of Persons
The Second Person of that Trinity is the Eternal Logos
The Eternal Logos was incarnated to redeem us by His sacrificial death and rose, conquering death and establishing His victory
He then established His Church in time and space to carry His victory to the ends of the earth — until He returns at the conclusion of time and space

In our current day, many people would agree with almost every bit of that — everything, in fact, until we get to the “Church” part. That’s where things get sticky, shall we say, because of the word “Church.”

This is where the great departure occurs and where things get all jammed up — largely owing to pride or ignorance. But the results, the consequences of pride or ignorance, can have eternal consequences.

The Church established by the incarnate Eternal Logos was, and remains, the Catholic Church. It is the one and only Church. All others are frauds, in that they were made by man but claim to have some divine aspect to them on their own.

You can’t give what you do not have.

They don’t: never have had, never will have — can’t, in fact.

As a result, they have no power to save, and they have no power to pass on salvation because they don’t possess it in the first place. And, as the philosophical maxim goes, you can’t give what you do not have.

And before some people get their noses all out of joint, let’s be clear — none of this is to say anything about the individual souls of any non-Catholics.

Heaven knows there are enough baptized Catholics that will be in trouble when their judgment time arrives because they have rejected the Faith — and, here, we are speaking directly to bishops and clergy.

But, in general terms, we are speaking of what is proposed by God for our belief.

The Catholic faith is the only authentic religion on the planet because the source of it is found in the Son of God. And since it is the only one, all others, by definition, are false. That doesn’t mean their adherents are mean or bad or wicked — or anything of the sort.

But it does mean they are wrong. And as long as they remain mired in man-made religion, they will remain mired in error. And, exploring all this deeper, it is the case, necessarily, that either no religion is correct or no more than one — because all religions contradict other religions somewhere along the line.

It is man that groups religions into certain categories — like “Christian,” for example.

That category is extremely overly broad. It allows for massive error — meaning the clouding of truth. There can never be such a thing as multiple Christian religions or sets of beliefs. That would be a lie. There is only one Christian religion, and that is Catholicism. All the other belief systems claiming to be Christian are phony.

Again, the individuals who subscribe to those phony so-called Christian religions may be sincere in their beliefs, but that renders them little else than sincerely wrong.

Why is all this important, and important to bring up? First, truth always matters. Second, because truth necessitates obliterating error.

The predominant error in Christianity today is the imaginary Jesus. Imaginary Jesus allows people to create their own Christ — a Christ who accepts their sin and error without question. The real Christ accepts the sinner but never the sin.

Yet today, hundreds of millions of people are roaming the earth thinking (and honestly believing) that Jesus Christ is fine with their porn habit, their promiscuity, their shacking up, their divorce and remarriage (sometimes multiple), their embrace of sodomy, their abortion, their contraception.

You name it, they have fabricated a Christ of their own making and then gotten Him to “bless” and “accept” their sin. Entire belief systems are built around their sin-excusing imaginations, and these belief systems inform every other aspect of their lives, from their relationships to their politics — you name it.

It’s a Christian nation only in name.

And, before it’s all done, you have loads of people operating under the pretend notion that this is a “Christian nation,” when little else could be further from the truth.

It’s a Christian nation only in name — because there are tens of millions of contradictory “Christs.” They have nothing to do with each other because each one resides in the mind of the so-called believer and only in his mind.

This, in fact, is the predominant failing of the political so-called conservative movement. It claims to be Judeo-Christian but ignores that at least the Christian part of that label means absolutely nothing in practice. How could it?

What does the label “Christian” even betoken? Being a follower of Christ? Which Christ?

In a so-called pluralistic society with no real definitions, or definitions so porous that they mean nothing in the end, to label oneself a Christian is completely pointless.

There might be some small overlap in beliefs or politics or worldview with some others who accept the same label, but it takes all of about 20 seconds to realize you don’t have anywhere as much in common with other so-called Christians as you think you might because of the label.

The Left is united because of its diversity. And the Right is divided, and therefore totally ineffective, because of its diversity — a diversity that is not yet realized, admitted or spoken of in polite company.

Until so-called Christians (and that includes bad Catholics) are united in Catholic truth, nothing of substance will be accomplished.

You can’t deal in half-truths when your enemy is full of lies.