There were only two ordinands. And the first thought might be: “only two…,” with a hint of disappointment. However, if we consider the step taken by these two young Levites, we must give thanks with all our heart for this grace, even for this small miracle.
Two young men have decided to lead a virginal life in the service of God, they have pledged to pray the breviary faithfully every day, until the end of their lives, in, with, and for the Church, in order to glorify God and draw souls to Him.
This step is taken when the bishop calls the candidates to come closer to the altar, if they are serious and want to receive ordination despite the importance of their engagements. They then take a step forward to demonstrate their determination.
A week earlier, on the feast of the Annunciation, they made their promise of fidelity to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, in the hands of the superior of the seminary, and on that day they received the first of the “major” orders, the subdiaconate.
In his homily, Bishop Tissier de Mallerais referred to the introit: Sitientes venite ad aquas – “You who are thirsty, come to the living waters,” applying it first to candidates for baptism who thirst for the water of grace, then to the faithful who aspire to the water of the word of God and finally to the candidates for ordination to the total offering which they realize by receiving the ordination to the subdiaconate.
The snow that fell in the morning made the landscape shine with pure white: no doubt because Heaven wanted to manifest its joy in this way for the election of virginity by two generous souls. Two courageous candidates who, for the love of God and souls, are ready to respond to the call of Christ the King, but also to face hostility and contestation.
Let us thank the Good Lord for distributing His graces in abundance again today, and let us pray for these two new sub-deacons who – God willing – will receive diaconal ordination on July 2, that they remain faithful, and let us fervently beg for numerous and holy priestly and religious vocations.
On the Saturday before Passion Sunday, also called Sitientes Saturday, the first word of the introit, Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais proceeded with the ordination of two sub-deacons at the Sacred Heart of Zaitzkofen seminary.